Home » today » Business » Fighting azc Ter Apel: police pelted with stones | Inland

Fighting azc Ter Apel: police pelted with stones | Inland

The fight started on the grounds of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), which is temporarily used as an emergency room to spend the night. About 50 people then moved to the public road in front of the shelter, where officers were attacked by the rioters.

“Part of this group was involved in nuisance and disturbance of public order,” said a police spokesman. “Colleagues were pelted with stones, among other things.”

“By deploying the mobile unit, supported by colleagues from the emergency aid, order has been restored,” says the spokeswoman. “Five people have been arrested and are in custody.” The police cannot say anything about the identity of the detainees, but do know that two suspects injured themselves “non-life-threateningly”.


Since this week it has been very busy in the asylum shelter of Ter Apel. Due to a national shortage of asylum reception places, it is hardly possible to make space in the center. This is necessary because the asylum procedure can be started in the northern reception location. Foreigners with a new asylum application were therefore forced to spend the night on chairs and camp beds.

The shortage is caused by a high influx of asylum migrants and the arrival of Afghan evacuees. In addition, there is also a major shortage of housing for asylum migrants, as a result of which this group continues to live in asylum reception. This ensures that the 30,000 beds in the regular asylum reception centers have all been filled.

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