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Fight HIV: World AIDS Day Competition Raises Awareness and Combats Stigma

December 1st is World AIDS Day, established in 1988 with the aim of raising awareness and informing the population, especially young people, on issues relating to HIV infection and AIDS and inviting public opinion to protect and respect for people affected by the virus.

In 2021, 1770 new diagnoses of HIV infection were reported in Italy, a number lower than the cases recorded annually in the last decade, but an increase compared to 2020, a trend that must make us reflect on the need to continue to maintain a high level of HIV infection. ‘Attention.

For this reason, on the occasion of this anniversary, the Health Promotion and Behavioral Risk Factor Prevention Structure of the Po Valley ATS, in collaboration with the National Association for the Fight against AIDS (Anlaids), the Territorial School Offices and the Leader Schools of the Networks of Health Promoting Schools and Sectors, has announced the competition “Fight HIV, not people with HIV!” open to all students (as classes or groups) of lower and upper secondary schools and professional training centers in the provinces of Cremona and Mantua.

The children will be asked to create a communication product (graphic, multimedia, slogans, poems, comics, information materials to be distributed, etc.) capable of raising awareness among their peers and public opinion on the importance of preventing and combating sexually transmitted diseases, stimulating reflection on the topic, combating stigma and risky behaviour.

World AIDS Day will also be an opportunity to promote the project “Sexually Transmitted Infections – HIV/AIDS – Education in affectivity and conscious sexuality”, aimed at lower and upper secondary schools, a project included in the catalog ” Health at school: planning online”, drawn up by the ATS of the Po Valley. The project is carried out thanks to the precious support of the local ASSTs and in particular of Anlaids, with the aim of raising young people’s awareness of the risks linked to HIV/AIDS infection and more generally regarding Sexually Transmitted Infections, as well as reflecting on issues concerning sexuality, affectivity, biological sex, sexual orientation, management of emotions and feelings, respect for oneself and others.

“The ATS of the Po Valley vigorously supports the development of programs and policies, including in schools, both to combat risky behavior and to promote correct information to combat the stigma often related to sexually transmitted diseases. – declares Laura Rubagotti Director of SSD Health Promotion and Prevention of Behavioral Risk Factors of the ATS Val Padana –. According to epidemiological data from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, in 2021 the majority of new diagnoses of HIV infection are attributable to unprotected sexual intercourse, which constitute 83.5% of all reports. In the majority of cases, HIV positive people are male and the highest incidence is found in the 25-35 age group. Given that one of the sustainable development objectives set by the international community for 2030 is the end of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and given the increasingly precocious approach to sexuality, the weak perception of risk and little aware sexual behaviour, it is considered essential promote initiatives like this

in favor of a topic that directly affects young people but not only. The initiative is strengthened by a solid collaboration with the Territorial School Offices and the Schools with which the Ats carries out numerous initiatives included in the catalog “Health at School: planning online”, in the awareness that the promotion of well-being and healthy lifestyle is an essential skill to acquire from a very young age.”

To participate in the initiative it is necessary to send to the following email address:[email protected] by 12pm on 15 November 2023. To find out more, you can consult the competition regulations and download the registration forms on the website on the home page in the “Latest News” section.

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2023-11-06 13:01:12
#World #AIDS #Day #competition #schools #Cremonaoggi

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