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“Fight, fight!” : in New York, demonstration for the right to abortion threatened

In New York, several thousand people demonstrated against the intentions of the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn the constitutional right to abortion.

Published: May 4, 2022 at 10:01 a.m.

Reading time:
3 min

« Fight, fight! “: several thousand people flocked to New York on Tuesday evening to shout their ” anger against the United States Supreme Court’s intentions to strike down the constitutional right to abortion.

It was the very offensive Attorney General of the State of New York, the elected Democrat Letitia James, who sounded the general mobilization in front of thousands of women and men, rather young, gathered in force on a place of the south of Manhattan, home to the Federal Courthouse. In front of a human tide, Ms. James launched ” a call to action ».

The draft decision of the Supreme Court, unveiled Monday evening by the site Politicois ” an alert and now is not the time to remain silent (…) We have to get angry “, harangued the magistrate by qualifying the defense of the right to abortion “ of one of the greatest battles to be waged ».

“No more coat hangers! »

« We won’t go back, we won’t go back to when we used coat hangers. Never again ! “, she promised, judging that” the right to control (one’s) body was a fundamental right ». « Abortion is a human right. Fight, fight, fight! chanted the crowd.

Many young women held up placards bearing slogans such as ” my body, my choice », « stop the war on women » or « I will have less rights than my mother “. One, Lauryn Workman, a 22-year-old African-American, said that ” many people were going to feel insecure “. For this protester, the attack on the right to abortion in the United Statesis not only an issue on the right to procreation, it is a question of racial justice, economic justice (…) We have to fight on all fronts ».

On Tuesday, Democratic President Joe Biden launched a major political battle to defend this right to abortion, a subject around which America has always been torn and which, following an explosive revelation on the intentions of the Supreme Court, stands out as a major issue in the legislative elections scheduled for November.

In the aftermath of the extraordinary leak in the press of a draft decision of the high court, in which it dynamites the constitutional right to abortion guaranteed throughout the United States since 1973, the president called on his voters to ” select favorable candidates to the right to abortion during the mid-term ballot.

The Supreme Court confirmed the authenticity of this internal document, while emphasizing that it did not represent a decision ” finale “. According to this text, the highest court is preparing to overturn its historic “Roe versus Wade” judgment of 1973, guaranteeing women the constitutional right to abort even in the most conservative states, particularly in the south of the country.

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