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Fight against violence: an ambassador from Margaret’s Place Tahiti in Los Angeles

Interview between Epeneta, Minister of Education Christelle Lehartel, Mareva Marciano at the initiative of the Tahiti branch, Charlotte Girard, representative of the Te ti’aturi Nei foundation and Maily, psychologist of the structure. © MB / Radio1

Inaugurated on April 26, Margaret’s Place Tahiti has an ambassador, Epeneta, who is leaving for Los Angeles this evening. The creators of the device, Joe and Ali Torre of the Safe At Home Foundation, are organizing their annual fundraising gala on September 30 for the 20 similar structures opened in the United States. Mareva Marciano will be honored there as “Visionary laureate” for the success of the Tahitian branch of the system.

Epeneta, a final year student at Diadème High School, is flying this evening to Los Angeles where the Safe At Home Foundation’s annual gala will be held. He will represent Margaret’s Place Tahiti, the first antenna at the fenua of the system, which is already installed in some twenty establishments in the United States. Epeneta explains that“Helping young people to communicate with each other and provide a space where they feel safe”, this is what Margaret’s Place offers to the students of the Lycée du Diadème, and more particularly to those who have been victims of violence. The structure is managed by Maily, a psychologist, who is there to listen to “Some students who need to talk or just a presence” says Epeneta. For his part, he began to frequent this space as soon as it opened at the start of the school year and says he is happy to be able to pass on what he has learned there to others.

A success that promises other Polynesian branches

This open space within the Diadème high school is the first in Polynesia, born on the initiative of the Ti’aturi nei foundation, Mareva and Paul Marciano. It comes from the device created by the Safe At Home Foundation of Joe and Ali Torre in the United States, who hold their annual gala on September 30. On this occasion, the former Miss Tahiti and Miss France will be honored for the successful opening of Margaret’s Place in Tahiti and it is therefore Epeneta who will represent the structure. He will be able to testify there of his experience, and “Explain how much it changed him”. Beneficiary of the device, he shows real enthusiasm for the opening of other branches of this type in Polynesia, because he finds that in Polynesia “There is too much violence and it is not meant to be.” Today he and Maily received a visit from the Minister of Education Christelle Lehartel, who came to show her support before her departure. The Minister announced “The upcoming opening of a branch at Taravao high school, which should be easier to set up”.

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