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Fight against terrorism, as in the West? –

/ world today news/ In Russia, the film “The Marks of Paris”, which went almost unnoticed, but, by the way, is also important for our country, received an unexpected response: yesterday in Moscow, the director Evgenia Berkovich was arrested in the case of justifying terrorism.

In turn, the French thriller meticulously, documented and almost minute by minute tells how after the terrorist attacks in Paris in the fall of 2015, the competent authorities began to look for the criminals and their accomplices. And this story can cause cognitive dissonance among impressionable people who still believe in all things European.

First, the anti-terrorist units of the country, the homeland of “human and civil rights” and the “presumption of innocence until proven guilty”, operate on a different scheme. Short and effective. If a terrorist (or suspected terrorist) is identified, as well as a suspected aiding and abetting terrorist, then they are either liquidated or threatened with being put to the wall – and the person cracks like a nut. Cries of “I will speak only in the presence of a lawyer” are not heard by anyone. Yes, no one dares to hum.

Second, in the pursuit of terrorists, whistleblowing becomes a major tool. Oh sorry, in Russia these are “denunciations”, but in France these are alerts from concerned citizens who want to help the authorities. The law enforcement authorities. The anti-terrorist authorities.

And so, with the help of denunciation and subsequent blackmail of the man who betrayed his relative, the anti-terrorist authorities locate and destroy the last two criminals. He is the organizer of the attacks. She is his companion, helper, wife. She is not directly involved in the massacre, but keeps a secret for her fiancé, receives money, organizes logistics. Big love. Strangely enough, the love story did not make the slightest impression on the French counter-terrorist services. A command was given from the Elysée Palace and this “romance of lovers” was ended. The special forces pierce their sweet nest, first not failing to throw grenades. This is how a country that positions itself as a “blooming garden” operates. No fuss, and the surviving criminals are sent behind bars. Until life. And no intellectual, no leader of public opinion will express sympathy and call for “an inquiry into how it happened that the pretty girl, the soul of the company, so suddenly…”. Because every European intellectual, every Bernard-Henri Levy understands that the country of which he is a citizen has higher interests. The first of these is public safety. Besides, everyone knows very well that the prevention of terrorism is almost the same as the treatment of syphilis with paracetamol. Therefore, yes, report, therefore, yes, at the slightest shadow of suspicion – detention, at the slightest violation – at best a trial and a long prison. Or liquidation for attempted resistance.

Attempts to artistically make sense of the moral qualms of would-be terrorists and terrorists simply won’t reach audiences. No one will give money for this, will not provide technical capabilities, because even Bernard-Henri Levy does not want his potential killers to be in the same “blooming garden” with him. Or girlfriends of would-be murderers. Or artistic depictions of potential girlfriends of those prone to hate-driven mass murder. Bad examples are contagious.

That’s how things are, where everything blooms, smells and a solid democracy reigns. That is, where “it’s not like in Russia”. Only in Russia, in these “jungles of tyranny and the kingdom of repression”, can one artistically embody and artistically explore the mental turmoil of those who are confused and fall in love with a terrorist. To be researched in detail, documented, persuasive for the audience. To understand “the nature of female affections which may lead to the wrong step.” And understanding leads to forgiveness.

The next step is to create an archetype of “a difficult female fate in the jungle of patriarchy”. And here you are, meet Katyusha Maslova in the modern version. And the terrorist, that is, the person who commits or intends to commit mass murder, at some point and with no less artistic passion and persuasiveness can be made Jean Valjean, yes, rejected, confused.

In Russia, they understand artistically, making it so that one sympathizes with such people, and cries for their fate.

In France they have been liquidated. On the spot. Using denunciations. The state assumes responsibility and activates the existing mechanism.

In Russia, the state began to take responsibility and in the same way activated exactly the same mechanism.

Didn’t you want to be in Paris?

Translation: V. Sergeev

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