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Fiffen’s party paradise is due: – A shame

– It’s a shame. That such an insane property has been unused for several years. It really is a pearl object, says Marius Berger.

Hukodden Strandrestaurant at the far end of Bygdøy stands and towers over a creamy plot of the rare. The property is idyllically located with impeccable views at the water’s edge, surrounded by luxury villas and beautiful shorelines.

Sjøperla was originally built as a bathing house for Vidkun Quisling during World War II. In recent times, the premises have housed magnificent champagne parties for fun – not to mention celebrity-heavy events and weddings.

WEDDING PARTY: The prominent NRK couple Live Nelvik and Tore Sagen got married at Hukodden Strandrestaurant in August 2013. Photo: Espen Solli
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STASELY: Steinar Sagen was engaged to his brother Tore Sagen, when the latter married Live Nelvik at Hukodden.  Photo: Espen Solli

STASELY: Steinar Sagen was the fiancé of his brother Tore Sagen, when the latter married Live Nelvik at Hukodden. Photo: Espen Solli
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PRIME MINISTER VISIT: The then Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg invited to a summary press conference before the summer holidays at Hukodden Strandrestaurant in 2010. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB

PRIME MINISTER VISIT: The then Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg invited to a summary press conference before the summer holidays at Hukodden Strandrestaurant in 2010. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB
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SUMMER PARTY: Tone Damli's first party after the birth of her daughter Billie was at ELLE's summer party at Hukodden in 2014. Photo: Espen Solli

SUMMER PARTY: Tone Damli’s first party after the birth of her daughter Billie was at ELLE’s summer party at Hukodden in 2014. Photo: Espen Solli
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SUMMER PARTY: Katarina Flatland and her boyfriend Harald M. Dobloug during ELLE's summer party in 2014. Photo: Espen Solli

SUMMER PARTY: Katarina Flatland and her boyfriend Harald M. Dobloug during ELLE’s summer party in 2014. Photo: Espen Solli
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Then it became quiet.

Today, the listed building – once described as a “celebrity with a high St. Tropez factor” – has been broken down into an empty and dilapidated shell: moss and weeds grow up from the terrace, while the paint is peeled and windows are broken.

For almost three years, the forces of nature have been given free rein with the building stock. On the inside, there is no activity to track.

DESTROYED: Hukodden is on Byantikvaren's yellow list of buildings worthy of protection.  In the 1950s, the building was converted into a beach restaurant and has functioned as this - until 2019. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet

BROKEN: Hukodden is on Byantikvaren’s yellow list of buildings worthy of protection. In the 1950s, the building was converted into a beach restaurant and has functioned as this – until 2019. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet
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WEEDS AND DECLINE: According to EBY, it will require a significant amount to build up to proper standards.  Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet

WEEDS AND DECLINE: According to EBY, it will require a significant amount to build up to proper standards. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet
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NEED FOR CARE: Broken windows, rust and flaky paint are what meet passers-by at Hukodden Strandrestaurant today.  Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet

NEED FOR CARE: Broken windows, rust and flaky paint are what meet passers-by at Hukodden Strandrestaurant today. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet
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At the request of Børsen, Berger – who has operated as a real estate broker in the Inner Oslo Fjord for 18 years – estimates that the commercial object could have been priced at NOK 20 million in today’s market.

– It has an innertier of location. If you start with restaurant operations, and add heating elements, you can probably operate all year round, says Berger.

– Very sad

Oslo Municipality owns Hukodden Strandrestaurant. They have rented out the premises as a restaurant and banquet hall for many years. When the contract with the then driver expired in 2019, it was never renewed.

– I ran Hukodden for 17-18 years, but when the contract expired, I did not get the opportunity to renew it. It is very sad that it is empty. Hukodden has the finest view in Oslo with a fantastic location and lots of history, says Lars-Erik Harnes to Børsen.

The municipality states the reason as “need for comprehensive rehabilitation”. And at the same time as Hukodden is falling into disrepair, the Urban Environment Agency has invested millions in erecting a brand new service building a few meters away – which has public toilets, a lifeguard wardrobe and a café.

It has shocked many.

THE CABIN MARKET IN INDRE OSLOFJORD: Cabin broker Marius Berge believes this cabin on Nakholmen will set a new price record in the inner Oslofjord. Video: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet
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Unanswered questions

Gives Aftenposten mentioned the beach restaurant at the beginning of November last year, Oslo municipality had no plans for future use.

– It is out of the question, thundered Camilla Wilhelmsen in Oslo Frp at the time.

One month later, something happened. The media coverage had apparently sent the case file up in the priority pile.

The then urban development agency, Arild Hermstad (MDG), could announce that they would start work on finding a new driver for Hukodden.

– Fill with life again

Then it was quiet again. Six months later, the question of the building’s future remains unanswered.

LONELY THE MAJESTY: Both the forces of nature and vandals have taken on the property of Hukodden Strandrestaurant.  Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet

AS MAJESTY: Both the forces of nature and vandals have addressed the property of Hukodden Strandrestaurant. Photo: Jørn H. Moen / Dagbladet
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– Formerly Hukodden Strandrestaurant has a fantastic location. Our goal now is to find an attractive use and fill the building with life again, writes the current city councilor for urban development Rasmus Reinvang (MDG) in an e-mail to Børsen.

It is heading towards a new summer for corona-bound Norwegians. In principle, the public could – according to the municipality itself – enjoy the benefits of the building in the form of catering, gallery, bathhouse or outdoor house with rental of, for example, kayaks and other outdoor equipment.

That’s not how it will be.

Several considerations

When asked what specifically has been done in the work since November, Børsen is referred to the Real Estate and Urban Renewal Agency (EBY), which has the management responsibility for the building.

EBY states that during the spring they have mapped the condition of the building. The survey suggests that it will hardly be possible to lift the champagne glass on Hukodden’s terrace in the near future.

It seems that the costs will be significant.
Lena Nesset in the Real Estate and Urban Renewal Agency

FROM THE GLORY DAYS: The Hukodden boasts a very attractive location and spectacular views.  The municipality of Oslo owns the building, and they currently have no plans to sell.  Photo: Hilde Tobro / NTB

FROM THE GLORY DAYS: Hukodden boasts a very attractive location and spectacular views. The municipality of Oslo owns the building, and they currently have no plans to sell. Photo: Hilde Tobro / NTB
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  • The building needs extensive rehabilitation to be able to be used, regardless of what the building is to be used for, it is stated from EBY.
  • In addition to upgrading the building to the current technical standard (TEK 17), the building’s conservation value, like Quisling’s former bathhouse, will mean that antiquarian considerations must be taken into account in the rehabilitation and restoration work.

What the bill will be has not yet been determined. But the fact is that it will cost.

– We are not there that we can put a price tag on the measures, but from what we know so far, it seems that the costs of renovation will be significant, says Lena Nesset, communications manager in the Real Estate and Urban Renewal Agency, to Børsen.

Requests input

There are several uncertainties associated with the reconstruction of Hukodden.

– It is EBY that assesses what needs to be fixed before it can be used again. It is unfortunately in poor condition. But here there are many possibilities and I am concerned that this building will be used again, Reinvang continues by e-mail.

The municipality states that if there are to continue to be a restaurant and function rooms in the building in the future, the building must, among other things, have a full-fledged commercial kitchen that meets current requirements.

– The City Council is also open to input from charities and others who have proposals for future use, Reinvang concludes.

– Important in the work

In EBY’s condition survey, all building elements were assessed. Lena Nesset states, however, that the initial work will be supplemented with a few more studies. This is, among other things, to assess the need for repair work in the underlying structures and concrete floors on the main floor.

– The condition has been assessed on the basis of the current permitted use as a restaurant, and the survey is a good and necessary basis for being able to decide on future use and also link cost estimates to the improvement, she says.

– There were several reactions when the service building was built. Why have you chosen to prioritize this instead of restoring Hukodden?

– The Urban Environment Agency operates the beach and the recreation area and the service building covers functions that previously Hukodden restaurant did not have. With the Urban Environment Agency’s new building, bathers get better facilities than before. Once the use of our building has been decided, and the building is restored, the offer to the public will also be able to be expanded.

– Obtain costs

The municipality says that funds have been proposed in the budget for 2022, but that the matter will only be dealt with in the budget work that starts in the autumn.

From here on out, EBY will continue the dialogue with other central municipal activities such as the Urban Environment Agency, the Urban Heritage Agency and the district.

– We will work more closely with cost estimates when future use is decided. Important in this work will be, among other things, to land on what the building will be used for and produce costs to be able to set aside funds for the work.

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