Home » today » Sport » FIFA cancels decision of the Ivorian Federation on the election of its president – foot – civ

FIFA cancels decision of the Ivorian Federation on the election of its president – foot – civ

FIFA canceled a general assembly of the Ivorian Federation (FIF), which wanted to change the electoral commission for the election of the new president, a position for which star Didier Drogba is a candidate. This election, in the form of imbroglio with incessant infighting, has become a real soap opera since June.

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The electoral commission led by the former Ivorian Minister of Sports, René Diby, had recently been “Suspended for serious breaches” by the IFF emergency committee which has scheduled an extraordinary general assembly on August 29 in order to set up another committee.

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“The Emergency Committee not competent”

However, Fifa believes that “The Emergency Committee (of the FIF) is not competent to suspend the electoral process of the FIF, which the latter is therefore still in place and which it must resume without delay ”, according to a letter sent to the Federation dated August 21 and sent to the press.

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