Home » today » News » Fiery Music: World-Class Pianist Tatiana Sets Hall Ablaze in New Music Video

Fiery Music: World-Class Pianist Tatiana Sets Hall Ablaze in New Music Video

They set fire to a hall in Plovdiv while filming a music video. The fiery photos were part of Tatiana’s music video. She is a world-class pianist and has numerous performances and concerts all over the world. Music has been in her heart literally all her life, because she started her journey with the piano only at the age of 5.

Fortunately, the fire didn’t manage to engulf the entire hall, because the guys at Respect Records know what they’re doing. It’s all an apocalyptic scenario, in the center of which sits a perfectly calm woman playing a dilapidated grand piano.

“They say that beauty will save the world, but I will also add music to this salvation. I looked at many things, traveling and playing around our planet, but I realized that what we are looking for and what can reconcile us with ourselves us, it’s inside us. That’s how I decided to go home to Bulgaria and work on music, on what I play, and thus show people a different point of view,” explained Tatyana.

Plovdiv can really be proud that such things are being created here. Tsvetan Nikolaev from Respect, Veselin Tonchev and Petyo Stankov are behind the production.

2023-07-03 15:30:00

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