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Fierce scandal between Assoc. Prof. Mangarov and Dr. Iliev on air!

When a person reaches an intensive care unit, he is already a passenger. It is not true that sufferers have immunity from 6 months to 1 year. This was stated on bTV by Assoc. Prof. Atanas Mangarov on the occasion of the coronavirus vaccines.

According to him, anyone who wants to should go and get vaccinated, but he must sign an informed consent that then whatever happens to him – is his responsibility. “I don’t know what could happen to him, there is no data,” he said.

Dr. Asparuh Iliev is adamant that Mangarov may be living at the age of 38, but we are now 80 years ahead. “Every medical procedure requires informed consent. This means that the person is familiar with the information in the leaflet. I have no doubt about the effectiveness of the vaccine,” he added.

Mangarov turned to Iliev with the words that there is no way a person who deals with mice and rats can talk to him about treating people.

“Pfizer received permission in the United States, it is no longer in the experimental phase,” said Dr. Boris Tablov. According to him, out of 10 people in one ward, 9 reach intubation, and 1, who has been vaccinated, earns it easily.

“Currently, there is one vaccinated person in my ward out of 33 patients. When a person goes to be vaccinated, he should know that these vaccines have not been studied properly,” said Assoc. Prof. Mangarov.

“80% of those vaccinated in Europe do not have any serious problems,” said Dr Iliev, adding that everyone in Europe is responsible and clearly defined.

Dr. Tablov turned to Assoc. Prof. Mangarov with the words: I do not understand how it is possible for a doctor to tell people not to defend themselves. There is a mortality that is unnecessary. My appeal, however, is for people to be vaccinated.

Penka Georgieva said that this aggression for imposing vaccines is very suspicious.

Only in Bulgaria and in the countries of the Third World there is a discussion about wearing masks, said Dr. Iliev. “Science is not an opinion, but an experiment. It does not have” I think “,” I see “, but it is proven. Much more is known about coronaviruses than what Assoc. Prof. Mangarov says,” he added.

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