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FICE: Celebrating the Río de La Plata and New Audiovisual Narratives

For 4 days, FICE invites you to tell new audiovisual narratives and celebrate the Río de La Plata, bearer of a rich history of resistance, migration and cultural connection. Credit: FICE.

With the force of a river that shapes its identity and an exceptional cinematographic proposal, the Ensenada International Film Festival (FICE) returns for its fifth edition, consolidating itself as a reference event in the world of audiovisual arts in the region. From September 14 to 17, the Ensenada Municipal Theater Cinema will become the center of an emotional journey that will cross cinema, art and cultural diversity.

FICE – a cutting-edge festival in the region – is committed to promoting audiovisual arts, both locally and internationally. This edition, in particular, pays tribute to the crucial element that shapes this riverside community: the water of the Silver river. This river, with its wide, brown waters, is the bearer of a rich history of resistance, migration and cultural connection that permeates Ensenada generations.

The FICE is not only a window to the cinematographic world, but also a mirror that reflects the ancestral memories deposited in the River Plate mud, stimulating new poetic-political narratives in the present. More than a film festival, it is a tribute to local identity, a celebration of cultural diversity and an act of cultural resistance in itself.

In a gesture of accessibility and democratization of art, FICE offers free admission to all its screenings and events. This choice reflects the conviction that cinema should not be a luxury, but rather a cultural asset that belongs to the entire community.

Reparo, by Lucía Van Gelderen and starring Luciano Cáceres, also competes in the National Feature Films segment. Credit: IMDB.

FICE awards and activities

The fifth edition of the Ensenada festival is further enriched with the inclusion of prestigious awards and recognitions. The award CINE.ARof the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA), distinguishes Argentine short films that stand out for their artistic innovation, audiovisual creativity and technical quality. This award also guarantees the exhibition of these works on the various screens provided by INCAA, thus expanding access to national productions.

The award ADFawarded by the Association of Authors of Argentine Cinematographic Photographyrecognizes excellence in cinematography in the official Latin American feature film competition of FICE, strengthening the profession and promoting visual art.

On the other hand, the Argentine Association of Audiovisual Editors contributes its perspective by awarding recognition to the best editing in a feature film, highlighting the importance of this fundamental aspect in audiovisual creation.

The jury for this edition is made up of prominent figures from the world of cinema and culture, such as Albertina Carri, Leandro Listorti, Florencia Mamberti, Julieta Venegas y Tori Andinowho will contribute their experience and vision to the festival.

The FICE is not limited to conventional screenings, but expands beyond the movie theater with the event EXPANDED FICE – COLLECTIVE SAMPLE. This exhibition brings together various audiovisual artists who explore new forms of expression, from audiovisual performance to video installations and video art samples, enriching the cultural experience.

Additionally, the festival presents the Thesis Workshop, a space where students of the career Audiovisual Arts from National University of La Plata (UNLP) will present their works in progress and finished. This initiative promotes creativity and emerging talent in the audiovisual field.

Sublime opens the Festival and the feature film segment in competition. Credit: IMDB.

Programming Ensenada International Film Festival

10:00 / 14:00 – Sample of short films for Primary Schools.

A unique educational opportunity for the youngest. Screenings of national short films followed by educational activities.

Upstream Alvaro DivUruguay 2023.

Environmental Awakentologist Joaquin TucciArgentina 2022.

To the islandNazareno Pucheta – Argentina 2023

19:00 – Official opening, screening of Repair of Lucia van Gelderen (Argentina, 90 minutes).

On the first day of the Ensenada Film Festival, Argentine director Lucía van Gelderen presents us Repaira film that promises to captivate audiences with its story and narrative.

21:00 – International short film competitionwill be projected:

A Lost Body of Sabrina Kouroughli Gaëtan Vassart (Short film, 14 minutes).

Under the stars of the Ensenadense night, we will enjoy A Lost Bodya short film that will immerse us in an unexpected birthday celebration on the beach.

The swimmers of Charlie Lopez (Short film, Costa Rica).

A visual essay inspired by the photography of Ed Ruscha, The swimmers invites you to reflect on the meaning of swimming pools in culture and collective memory.

Europa of Christopher Vallefin (Short film, Spain6 minutes).

The journey of Said and his son Mohamed in search of a better life is presented in Europaa short film that will make us reflect on the challenges of migration.

Laura of Paulina Torres (Short film, Argentina, 5 minutes).

On a special day, Laura faces a crisis in the privacy of her apartment. Laura He takes us into his world in this special screening.

Gloria of Daniela Briceño, Diego Felipe Cortés y Blanca Castellar (Short film, Colombia13 minutes).

The story of Gloriabetween pains and pleasures, unfolds in this short film that promises to excite and move the audience.

10:00 / 14:00 – Sample for Secondary Schools.

A special exhibition for secondary schools, promoting cinema and conversation between students and teachers.

17:00 – Screening of Alma, of Juan Pablo Martìnez – International Feature Film Competition.

19:00 – Sample FDA UNLP Thesis Workshop.

The shore Laura Gonzalez y Florence Silva.

Rewind Camila Victoria Abrantes.

Where the sun barely fallsLene Nievas.

embrace Carmen Abraciano.

Guardian Mery Piñeiro.

20:00 – Expanded FICE.

A unique experience in Old Station Cultural Center that will expand your perception of cinema and culture. Collective exhibition of regional artists. You will find two audiovisual installations: Montaña Zoom Increated by Teo Palvi, Yellow y Ramiro Planoy Troubled Riverof Ille Dell’unti.

Flow Ensenada – Live show and video art exhibition.

Saturday September 16

15:00 – About Swimmingdirected by Berenice Vigna y Manuela Aguilar (Argentina, 2023).

National feature film competition

16:00 – Creative process in video clips. Dictated by Laura’s Manson of Film Music.

17:00 The Talk

International short film exhibition

FICE from the River

19:00 – Entrustment

He Ensenada Nautical Club is the stage for Entrustment of Pablo Giorgelli, a film that will take us to an exciting shipwreck in Dominican waters.

National feature film competition

21:00 – The Flooddirected by Ezekiel Erriquez (Argentina, 2023)

17:00 – International Short Film Competition

Rivers for a Fish

The young woman in search of a gold fish and her reflections on cyclical life invite us to an emotional journey in Rivers for a Fish.


Immerse yourself in the history of Childrenwhere the message of the ocean is mixed with dance and memory.


The mysterious story of V and his meeting with a family of tourists will keep us in suspense in Who.


18:00 – Conversation with Rita Cortese20:00 Closing and awards ceremony

2023-09-11 22:43:50
#edition #Ensenada #International #Film #Festival #celebrate #art #diversity

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