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FI column|After stepping on Chengge, reporter Zhong Wancheng completes his personal relationship|Louise

FI column|After stepping on Chengge, reporter Zhong Wancheng completes his personal relationship|Louise

I received a Whatspp from my former boss, sharing that Dayo Wong thanked Li Ka-shing for his generous report. Zihua said that he kept laughing at Brother Cheng in stand-up comedy performances, and he was fine until today. He said that he was completely personal. And publicly thank Brother Cheng for his generosity. The former boss who brought me into the industry wrote: “I strongly agree with Zihua”. In the past, our articles were particularly critical of Brother Cheng. To put it bluntly, it was “stolen”, but journalists are fine. Under the new Hong Kong, is there such a generous and public relations master? Readers don’t mind, here I share the enjoyable experience of interviewing Brother Cheng in the past, and remember the past.

Invite Li Ka-shing for an exclusive interview

I remember that in 2000, I received my boss, Ke Da, who wanted to prepare “Who’s Who in the Millennium” with Li Ka-shing as the lead, and was responsible for inviting Li Ka-shing to do an exclusive interview. I thought: “What are you playing with me? So many tooth marks! Interview? Brother Cheng pays attention to me?” But there is always a glimmer of hope. To show sincerity, I drafted an invitation letter. He copied it once and sent it to the Changshi Public Relations Department for a try, but of course nothing happened.

Inspiration from One Two Umbrellas

The boss asked me to wait for Brother Cheng at the entrance of the Deep Water Bay Golf Club at about 5:30 every morning, hoping to ask a question every day and write down some materials, but Brother Cheng just waved his hand and said, “I won’t accept it.” Interview.” There was a lot of talk in Zhong, which probably meant that I don’t like your boss, but I don’t like your reporter. I understand that we are all just wage earners.

After waiting for a few days, they ignored me. I thought I would eat ginkgo if I waited any longer, so I simply brought a towel and a swimsuit, and after closing the team, went to Deep Water Bay for a swim, and then returned to the company to cheer up myself. I know that it was raining heavily when Brother Cheng drove out of the car. He had to cover his head with a towel. When Brother Cheng saw this, he stopped and gave him an umbrella. A reporter who was the richest man gave an umbrella in the rain. I have to talk. But if I think about it, don’t tell me to take a ride, it’s good to ask a few words! What’s the use of sticking to the cover and returning to the newspaper office?

The male reporter admires Brother Cheng

After returning to the newspaper office, a senior male real estate reporter cast an envious look at this umbrella, because he admired Brother Cheng very much, and sincerely defended Superman Li in his mind. When he was young, he didn’t understand why this gentleman was so blind. Be Zhengcheng’s idol. Thinking about it now, it’s not bad, there is an idol in his life who has never disappointed him, such as One Life One Love.

Brother Cheng didn’t want to die, so he had to go back to his hometown, Chaozhou City, to dig for materials. The photographer who traveled with me back then just returned to Hong Kong from other places. When we got together during the Lunar New Year, we were still very excited to talk about it, as if it was yesterday. I remember that when I was “eating ginkgo fruit” everywhere in Chaozhou City, I went to the roadside tea stall to sigh for a cup of Chaozhou tea. When I was chatting with the boss, I “expected it”. Brother Youcheng pointed to the top of the mountain on the road, and even took pictures of Li’s ancestral grave.

laugh it off after questioning

More than 20 years ago, the award of Cyberport to Li Zekai caused controversy in the real estate industry. It was very exciting at the Hutchison Wong press conference. Chinese and foreign reporters gathered together. At that time, they took the opportunity to ask Brother Cheng: “Is it only Richard who knows how to do these high-tech…digital What about Hong Kong?” Brother Cheng was displeased, but he only asked, “A reporter from the newspaper next to you?” After answering, he sneered a few times, “Heh…heh…” Then he pointed to the reporter of the same newspaper and said, “It’s strange. You have the same caliber.” The published articles are of course pungent, but the reporter has nothing to do and there are no consequences. As Zihua said, the reporter is completely personal.

Note: The opinion of the columnist does not represent the position of this website.

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