The Attorney General’s Office (FGR) presented an indictment against 5 people involved in two homicides in Chalatenango, which occurred on March 18 and 22 of this year.
This request was presented in the Fourth Court against Organized Crime of San Salvador, where they are also prosecuted for illicit groups and two cases of attempted homicide.
“We have presented a request for the imposition of measures where five defendants, three adults and two minors, have been placed under the order of the judge,” said the prosecutor in this case.
Furthermore, the prosecutor added that: “Provisional detention is being requested for the five people in the investigative stage.” [del proceso judicial]. “Total reservation of the process and an instructional period of six months is being requested.”
As the prosecutor explained, “we have scientific evidence that establishes with indications that the three adults participated in the crimes, as well as documentary and testimonial evidence. These arrests occurred on March 22 as a result of a siege that the Police and the Army established in Chalatenango in response to these two homicides that occurred in the area.”
According to the data, the first homicide occurred in the Portillo del Norte canton, where one more person was injured in the same event.
The second murder was located in San José Cancasque, in which another person was seriously injured in the same way. In both events they were executed with firearms.
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