Home » today » World » FGR asks for 15 more years in prison for Emilio Lozoya, for Agronitrogenados case

FGR asks for 15 more years in prison for Emilio Lozoya, for Agronitrogenados case

For him Agronitrogenados case, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR) asked 15 more years in prison for Emilio Lozoya.

With this, in total, Emilio Lozoya would spend 54 years in prison for the crimes of operations with resources of illicit origin, bribery and criminal association.

The request for 15 more years in prison was made to FGR on Thursday, January 6, 2022, when at a hearing, he made the accusation against Emilio Lozoya Austin for the Agronitrogenados case.

The Prosecutor’s Office asked Judge José Artemio Zúñiga Mendoza, of the North Prison, a conviction of 15 more years in jail and 5,000 days of fine for the crime of operations with resources of illicit origin.

In this request, the FGR also requested the confiscation of Lozoya’s residence in Lomas de Bezares, for which it already requested the extinction of the domain.

They ask for 39 years in prison for Emilio Lozoya for the Odebrecht case

On Monday, January 3, 2022, the Prosecutor’s Office requested a 39-year prison sentence against Emilio Lozoya for the crimes of operations with resources of illicit origin, bribery and criminal association of the Odebrecht case.

They were 15 years for operations with resources of illicit origin; 14 for bribery and 10 more for criminal association.

In addition to the 21 years in prison requested by the FGR against Gilda Margarita Austin Solís, mother of Emilio Lozoya, accused of the crimes of operations with resources of illicit origin and criminal association in the same case.

In total, the FGR is asking for 54 years in prison against the former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

What is Emilio Lozoya accused of?

For the Odebrecht case, Emilio Lozoya is accused of receiving at least $ 10 million in bribes by the Brazilian construction company to deliver Pemex contracts during the government of Enrique Peña Nieto.

Emilio Lozoya would have received 4 million dollars during the presidential campaign of Peña Nieto and the rest when he was director of Petróleos Mexicanos.

Regarding the case Agronitrogenados, he is accused that during his tenure as director of Pemex he would have received bribes of 3.5 million dollars from the businessman Alonso Ancira for the purchase of the fertilizer company.

Alonso Ancira, President of Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA) served as the main owner of the Agronitrogenados fertilizer company in Emilio Lozoya’s administration.

And currently he also faces charges before the FGR But unlike Lozoya, the businessman faces his process in freedom.

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