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fewer new donors due to the crisis

The French blood establishment is sorely lacking in donations at the moment, deconfinement does not seem very conducive to solidarity. In any case, this is the finding at the national level, less at home, according to Dr. Cécile Pénasse, responsible for the establishment of blood in Dijon. “Things are a little better in Burgundy, but some regions are really in difficulty, and national solidarity must play a role, there is a rebalancing between regions according to the needs and stocks of each.” In other words, there is mutual aid between the regions, which can exchange bags of blood as needed. But with us, we are rather generous.

Running out of blood “it’s already arrived”, continues Cécile Pénasse. “If we really arrive at worrying stocks, which is not the case at present, we can go so far as to postpone non-urgent interventions, to have enough to ensure emergencies.”

The Burgundians, regular and generous donors

What explains why we are better off in Burgundy is also the fact that our region is less populated, and therefore has fewer needs. “In the large metropolises there are also large research centers, hospitals, university hospitals which provide more extensive treatment, transplants which are not necessarily done in the region. This is why the Ile de France is Often in deficit. We all know people around us who at one time or another have sought treatment in Paris, so we have to help the Paris region as well. “

Today, in Côte-d’Or like everywhere else, there is a lack of donations for groups O and B in particular. The EFS therefore calls on all good souls to get started. This is the real difficulty today, finding new donors: “This is perhaps the biggest impact of the crisis”, confirms Cécile Pénasse, “because there is no longer any collection in education, the courses being done remotely. We have lost 20,000 donors who are reaching the age limit (71) but we have recruited very few new donors. “

Vaccine and donation, it’s possible

So how many donors does it take to be in balance? “It would be good to have as many as possible, because the greater the number of candidates, the more we will be able to direct them to other types of donations. We lack plasma at the moment for example. So if we are 18 years old and that we are in good health, we must not hesitate to come. “

Do not hesitate, even if you have recently been vaccinated against covid. “For the vaccines used in France, there is no contraindication after the anticovid vaccination. We can wait the next day to be sure that there are no allergic reactions.” On the other hand, of course, we do not come to donate blood when we are sick, or when we have symptoms. The donation house in Dijon is located rue du stade, between the entrance to the emergency department of the CHU and the new grandstand of the Gaston-Gérard stadium.

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