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Few people know the plants with super powers that increase the resistance and well-being of our body

Numerous scientific studies have been carried out for years to understand all the potential of the so-called adaptogenic plants, which have always been used by traditional medicines.
These plants are able to make our body stronger against harmful chemical and biological attacks and the psychophysical consequences deriving from stressful situations and states of tension. In recent decades, the interest in adaptogenic plants by the medical and scientific world has increased considerably as they are considered valid psychophysical aids.
Despite a certain diffusion, however, it must be said that even today few know the plants with super powers that increase the resistance and well-being of our organism.
Let’s see which plants are so important and what are their main properties.

Rhodiola Rosea

This plant turns out to be a valid help, to counteract physical and mental fatigue and increases concentration.
It is known by the name of golden root or ancient root, and grows spontaneously in the regions of northern Europe and in the Alps
The plant contains flavonoids, tannins, salidrosidi, phenolic acids.

The Panax Ginseng

It is a plant native to China and Korea and its name derives from the Greek and means “cure all ills”.
The active ingredients are contained in the root and are vitamins, essential oils, sterols, polysaccharides and ginsenosides.

Few people know the plants with super powers that increase the resistance and well-being of our body. Guarana

It is a plant that grows in the Amazon rainforest. The Indians have always known her for her ability to be an exciting one. It is used in some energy drinks, and in weight management supplements.
Guarana has several properties, it is considered an analgesic, immunostimulant, thermogenic and acts as a tonic for the muscles.

Siberian ginseng

The root of this plant is used in herbal medicines in the form of herbal teas, or in solid or liquid form to be taken orally.
It is taken to decrease the symptoms of asthenia, abnormal loss of energy, tiredness, weakness.


The properties of zucchini

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