Home » Health » Few people know that to combat stress and promote brain well-being there could be not only medicines but also these 3 exceptional foods

Few people know that to combat stress and promote brain well-being there could be not only medicines but also these 3 exceptional foods

Certainly few topics like stress are on everyone’s lips on a daily basis. Some had even called it “the evil of the century”, although continuing like this, it could be in good company. The fact is that, according to the most recent statistics, at least 1 in 3 Italian adults reported suffering from anxiety and stress. With significant repercussions in the workplace, family and social. That stress, which if not taken care of, as experts recall, could lead to anxiety and especially in nervous exhaustion and depression. Evils that are gripping more and more Italians, including those who do not realize they are affected. Medicine has made great strides and stress could be fought with the prescriptions and drugs that our doctor prescribes. But foods that are particularly useful for the brain and able to promote the production of serotonin could also help us.

A veritable goldmine for brain health

A recent study by an American university would have shown how oatmeal would be an excellent ally for our brain. In particular, it would favor concentration, memory and application. A real help for all those who study or do a mentally tiring job. This complex carbohydrate, also called a complete food, because it is rich in many nutrients. Above all, capable of supplying sense of satietypreventing the stomach and brain from taking refuge in the infamous “stress hunger”.

Few people know that to combat stress and promote brain well-being there could be not only medicines but also these 3 exceptional foods

Nuts and above all pistachios they would not only be healthy and energetic snacks, but also help to fight stress. Nuts would act similarly to the oatmeal we saw above, giving a sense of satiety and initiating proper digestion and an active metabolism. Too many forget that burdening the liver and intestines with foods that are difficult to digest could create a state of psychophysical impatience. According to many researchers, pistachios also have an important value in helping the production of serotonin. Not only that, because they would act positively by reducing vascular constriction. A process that would allow the arteries to dilate, creating less pressure on the heart’s activity. Few people know that these three pleasant foods to eat could also be useful to combat stress.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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