Home » Health » Few people know that an hour and a half a week of sport strengthens teeth incredibly

Few people know that an hour and a half a week of sport strengthens teeth incredibly

The dentist bill is one of those times when we really want to take the first flight to the moon. Like an unexpected tax bill we always find ourselves spending more than we would have liked. But it is not the fault of the dentists it is clear but only often because of us and the neglect of our mouth. On the other hand, with there is a better investment like that for teeth and gums so as not to find ourselves spending expensive amounts. Much of dental care involves good habits and nutrition but few people know that an hour and a half a week of sport strengthens teeth incredibly.

Few people know that an hour and a half a week of sport strengthens teeth incredibly

It is not us who say it but the doctors themselves that sports and physical activity, especially outdoors, are also good for the teeth. This is due not only to the vitamin D that we take with the sun but also to dispose of sugars and toxins that also gravitate in the oral cavity.

But in the habits that we should all adopt to maintain healthy teeth there is also a regular and restorative sleep. In addition of course to clean your teeth well by changing your toothbrush often, use mouthwashes regularly, avoid or limit sugars and carbonated drinks.

Beans and chickpeas an unexpected surprise

Now let’s see what are the foods that give our teeth strength and resistance over time. Even as children, the dentist rightly teaches us that calcium is the most precious mineral for our teeth. Perfect and we reconnect with the vitamin D of the sun and sport which together with vitamin C and calcium form the perfect union for dental health. Fruits and vegetables therefore also here protagonists of dental hygiene but together with two little-known foods in this case but beneficial such as chickpeas and beans.

Also very good are green leafy vegetables, fish, spinach and cereals, celery and carrots, dried fruit and berries. They all contain vitamins and mineral salts that are perfect for the health of our mouth and our smile.


A precious peel that we always throw away but incredibly fights many diseases

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