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Few people know but the water we drink can seriously damage health, which is why

Italy is one of the world’s largest consumers of water in the bottle. Contrary to what happens abroad, where this factor is linked to the low quality of tap water, in Italy it is cultural.

However, there is a problem with bottled water, linked to plastic bottles. Few people know but bottled water can seriously damage health, which is why.

Few people know but the water we drink can seriously damage health, which is why

Italians consume nearly 240 liters of bottled water annually. This factor leads to a strong pollution of the seas, as demonstrated by the strong microplastic pollution of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

At the same time, however, this consumption can have important consequences on human health. The main problem is linked, in fact, to the packaging of the water and the substances used, called PET. The same, in fact, contain chemical substances which, depending on the way the bottles are moved and how they are stored, can enter the water.

In particular, let’s talk about antimony. But not only. Even more than twenty other substances present in the bottles which, at temperatures above 50 °, can enter the circulation. Obviously, these temperatures are hardly reached indoors. But you still have to be careful.

Keeping the water in reserve for a long time, or subjecting it to continuous changes in temperature, increases the possibility of migration of these substances.

Additionally, water storage and movement often takes place near machinery that can affect the water temperature.

How to avoid these health risks

A good solution is to always use glass bottles and fill them from the tap. The problems encountered above do not exist once the plastic is eliminated, and glass bottles represent a viable solution to the problem.

At the same time, for purists, it is possible to take advantage of the so-called “water houses”. These stations, present in some of the major Italian cities, allow you to load your bottles at an easy price, while maintaining a high quality of water.

Few people know but the water we drink can seriously damage health, so here is why.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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