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Few have seen such a beautiful Olga Aroseva (photo)

Only colleagues knew its nature.

Olga Aroseva was one of the brightest stars of Soviet cinema. But few people know that behind the scenes this smiling and good-natured artist has turned into an exemplary bitch. If the public idolized Aroseva, her colleagues tried not to meet her again, because they were afraid of her. She the actress knew how and loved to weave theatrical intrigues.

In addition, he had an uncontrollable temper and an explosive temper. For example, a capricious artist might yell at makeup and costume artists from scratch, throw a comb and scatter things. He Aroseva, however, did not know how to make friends with women, as well as with men. All his love affairs ended rather quickly and ingloriously, although there was no end to the fans.

Hard to believe that such a domineering-looking artist had such a difficult character. Only one role in her filmography partially betrays the true personality of Aroseva: she played Mrs. Pistashkova in the film “Short Stories”. It is impossible to recognize the charming Olga Alexandrovna in this unattractive mustachioed woman.

In one of the interviews published on the portal Shocked woman, the actress complained that her character is called a bitch. But, nevertheless, Aroseva did not refute these words.

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