Guruvayur: Arts programs as part of temple festival The utsava tayanpaka in Thruth will also conclude today. In the past seven years, more than 100 Diverse with ditorium and specially prepared stages Laparyani was the stage.
Dr. Anvesa Mahanta’s Satriya dance also became separate art events. Kalanilayam Gayatri Padma for Pandit Ramesh Narayanan’s Hindustani Concert There were many admirers of Nabhan’s Kochu Sita dance sculpture. Kalaparipa with Bhakti Ganamela by KS Chitra tonight at 8 p.m. t will conclude. Ashtapadi, Nagaswara Concert and Bhakti Prabhashana tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. It will happen.
The repose of the remains of Sri Bhuthavali in the temple will end today. We too. The hearts of the devotees were full of hearts. Presented by Rum. Yesterday Anu Anand Thamarayur Adya Thayanpa and Mattannur Srikanth, Mattannur Mr. Sriraj and Chirakkal Nidhish also presented triple tayanpka. chu The third Kallekulangara was the home of Achuthankuttimar.
Mammyur Vishnuprasad Marar and Guruvayur Vishnuma in the first test today. Rar, Karthik J. Marar is a triple possibility. Second Guruvayur Shashimarar and Guruvayur Gopanmarar. ru’s double probability. Senior artist Kallur Ramankuttimara of the third motherland It is the mother’s choice