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Festival MV presents the program for the 2024 summer season

Schwerin (dpa/mv) – One day before the start of the festival winter, the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Classical Festival is giving an outlook on the 2024 summer season. The winners in residence for the coming season are also expected to present the program on Wednesday in Schwerin. Outstanding soloists and ensembles who impressed the jurors at the Young Elite Young Talent Competition in previous years are selected. In 2023, the Lithuanian accordion player Martynas Levickis put his special stamp on the season.

The main season of the festival, which is one of the largest German classical music festivals, traditionally begins in mid-June and lasts three months. The diverse program includes up to 130 events. In addition to renowned orchestras and soloists with a worldwide reputation, up-and-coming young artists can also be experienced. The variety of different venues throughout the country gives the MV Festival a special touch. Last summer, 65,000 music lovers attended the concerts. The festival year ends with 16 concerts as part of the festival winter.

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2023-11-29 03:07:24
#Festival #presents #program #summer #season

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