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Fertilizer, farm equipment and wheat prices: subsidies maintained

“We have maintained the price subsidy, including fertilizers, agricultural equipment and wheat,” said the Togolese number 1.

On the question of fertilizers, availability at the international level poses a serious problem and forecasters warn of a glaring deficit of fertilizers for the next agricultural season.

If urgent measures are not taken by the States, especially at the community level, not only will availability be reduced, prices will be very expensive, farmers will be sorely lacking, which risks de facto impacting agricultural productivity.

The risk of worsening hunger in the West African sub-region would be even more pronounced with the expected drop in productivity.

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So, the Head of State, by declaring that the fertilizer subsidy will be maintained sends a strong message to farmers that whatever the situation, the government will take its responsibilities, by making the fertilizer available and at subsidized prices accessible to all actors.

Regarding agricultural equipment, in addition to community levies, the Togolese State exempts from duties and taxes on the import of equipment related to agriculture.

A salutary measure taken at the height of the coronavirus health crisis renewed for the new year. The acquis is maintained and will facilitate the mechanization of agriculture.

Finally, wheat. Wheat prices have also soared internationally with the threat of rising bread prices internally. A rise in the price of the baguette risks leading to a latent social crisis.

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The Head of State, through this exit, reassures that regardless of the rise in wheat prices, the government will continue its subsidies for wheat so as to prevent any disruption to the lives of consumers.

The widespread increase in prices in the various markets of the country is a real problem caused in part by the current health crisis, itself due to disruptions in the global supply chain.

The basket of the housewife is affected and the government is also thinking about the best approach to reduce the shocks on the lives of especially vulnerable households. The full speech delivered by Faure Gnassingbé



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