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Fertilization is the key to production

Writes: Ing. Ana Mendoza Vela, specialist in sustainable rural development

The rise in fertilizer prices in the country has skyrocketed almost four times as much as in the case of urea, since the beginning of 2021, as a result of the closure of fertilizer exports from China and low production in Europe and United States, as a result of the increase in international oil and energy prices; This has brought to light an old problem in national agriculture: poor crop fertilization.

The work of proper fertilization is crucial in the production process, to supply the lack of micronutrients that plants need to produce more and obtain better quality products, which will be reflected in higher income for producers.

Some farmers avoid this task because they trust the quality and fertility of the soil, and others, to defend their status as agroecological or organic producers. However, it is required to improve the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil, through the incorporation of chemical or organic fertilizers, allowing it to increase the capacity to absorb the different nutritional elements. In the case of organic fertilizers, they constitute a source of energy for microorganisms, so they multiply rapidly.

well nourished plants

If we assume that plants are living beings, just as humans need their vitamins and minerals to be healthy and strong and not vulnerable to pandemics or diseases; In the same way, a well-nourished crop with adequate fertilization, three times a year with all its nutrients, it will not be vulnerable to any pests or diseases.

Farmers who overlook the fertilization work should see and imitate what a large sector of potato, cocoa, coffee, banana, avocado, etc. producers is doing, who are obtaining high yields and quality harvests, which in the end, results in higher profits.

To reduce fertilizer prices

Due to the brutal increase in the prices of chemical fertilizers, in the current agricultural campaign, a considerable sector of farmers has avoided the work of fertilization, for not having the necessary resources to defray the high costs of these products, which will affect crop yield.

For the same reason, it was to be expected that the government of Prof. Pedro Castillo would act with diligence to seek alternative solutions to this problem, but it reacted late, when the great sowing period for is about to end.

Unfortunately, only on the 11th, the former Minister of Agrarian Development and Irrigation, Víctor Maita, announced that his office is preparing a Emergency Decree aimed at reducing the price of fertilizers to benefit small producers and guarantee the development of the 2021-2020 agricultural campaign. As long as the Ministry of Economy and Finance gives its approval, the planting season will end and this measure will not have a major impact on the current campaign.

No less urgent and necessary than this device is a training and technical assistance program with the “learn-by-doing” methodology, so that technicians, extensionists and promoters teach in a practical way the application of fertilizers to crops.

Controlled trade

Also, the Senasa It must strengthen its work of inspection of commercial houses of agricultural supplies, in order to guarantee the quality of the products. Well, there are commercial houses that sell adulterated fertilizers, causing losses to producers.

In this sense, the proposal is that Midagri should establish a certification program for those who sell fertilizers.

In addition to this, Midagri, in coordination with regional governments, should promote the use and production of organic fertilizers, such as animal and island guano, earthworm humus, compost, bocashi, biol, etc.

centralized purchases

Centralized purchases should also be promoted with the participation of agricultural cooperatives and/or producer associations, and the credits granted should be aimed at buying authentic fertilizers.

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