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Fertilization: how to achieve “stronger” soybeans from seed to reproductive stages

In each upcoming campaign, New challenges arise for the soybean producer.

This year in particular, one of the main concerns is poor seed qualityas a consequence of the unfavorable environmental conditions of the previous campaign, such as: water stress, high temperature and excess rain at the end of the cycle.

In this framework, the program Strong Soy from the company Stoller drives the physiological and nutritional treatmentfocusing on addressing the main crop problems, through the application of three products at key moments of the cycle: Stimulate as seed treatment, BioForge Advance in vegetative stages and Set in reproductive stages.

“In addition to this problem, we find carryover due to herbicides in the soil that, in the absence of rain in some areas of the country, residues of herbicides such as Als, hormones and triazines, can cause phytotoxicity,” explained the agronomist. Rodrigo Merki, Market Developer de Stoller Argentina.

Also the compaction of soils that directly alter the physical, chemical and biological propertiescold soils and uneven humidity can cause problems in this initial stage of the crop.

A team with good “reinforcements” to win the game against stress

“One of the benefits of the Soja Fuerte program is to improve the implementation of the crop, and producers know that this stage is critical. From Stoller We recommend the use of Stimulate as a seed treatment with the objective of achieving rapid germination, uniform emergence, and promoting adequate development of the root system. so that the crop can absorb water and nutrients efficiently,” adds Merki.

According to More than 45 trials carried out by Stoller in the last campaign, an average increase of 10.5% in productivity was achieved per hectare, thanks to the application of this fertilization program.


With Stimulate it is possible to improve the vigor of the seeds, acting on the germination energy, promoting rapid germination, even in cold soils, and mitigating carryover effects by herbicides.

For its part, plant stress causes adverse effects on the growth, development and productivity of crops. Factors such as high temperatures, water stress, soil compaction, nutritional imbalances and phytotoxicity due to herbicides, as well as the incidence of viruses and bacteria, are just some of the threats. that agricultural producers face.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the frequency, intensity and duration of stress, mainly thermal and water, which poses enormous challenges for producers and technicians.

Faced with these problems, the producer, together with his engineer, You must design effective strategies to mitigate the impact of stress.

In crops such as soybeans, Choosing maturity group and planting date are some of the key management practiceswhich allow us to escape the most unfavorable conditions and make the most of the best environmental conditions in the critical period of cultivation.

Rodrigo Merki, Market Developer de Stoller Argentina.

However, It is not always possible to avoid stress. When this happens, the solution is to prepare the plants to tolerate it.

“At Stoller we recommend the use of BioForge Advanceduring the vegetative stages. This foliar fertilizer It stands out for its ability to block oxidative stress, which allows plant growth to be reactivated efficiently. In addition, it can be combined with most of the phytosanitary products that are applied to the batch at said stage,” advised engineer Merki.


In soybean cultivation, the reproductive stages are crucial, especially during the critical period (R4.5 to R5.5). More than 60% of reproductive structures can abort even under normal conditions.

Under situations of high water and thermal stress, added to the hormonal imbalance that occurs in the plant, the loss of reproductive structures intensifiesresulting in significant performance losses.

“To prevent these abortions we recommend the use of Sett, in stages of R1-R3 (flowering), with the aim of anticipating this situation,” says Merki.

The agronomist highlighted that this liquid fertilizer, formulated with Soccer, Boro y growth cofactorsrestores the hormonal balance of the plant, favoring pollination and grain setting, “increasing yield and improving the final quality of the grains”.

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