Zucchini crops from the plastic sea in Poniente Almeriense require the use of concentrated fertilizers and precise dosing for their correct exploitation.
In general, this work is carried out by teams with venturi systems. However, since ITC present the teams fertigation as a more appropriate solution, providing multiple benefits to these crops.
Study of the irrigation system in greenhouses in Almería
ITC has carried out studies on zucchini crops in greenhouses in Almería, demonstrating that fertigation equipment can solve some of the problems presented by venturi systems.
These farms are irrigated from a pond that contains a mixture of rainwater and well water. The latter contains salts among which useful nutrients for the crop have been identified, but whose balance does not correspond to that required for it. For this reason, dosing must be completed, depending on the rainfall/well ratio. Also, both salinity and nutrient concentration can vary from day to day. Therefore, the use of equipment that easily changes the concentrations of the irrigated stock solution and the composition of the stock solution is required.
Before, for this, a team with 5 tanks was used in a shed and another 2 tanks in an additional tank, which occupied an important space on the farm. In addition, solutions made locally were applied by dissolving fertilizers in low concentrations with the help of blower pumps. One of the main problems observed is that, when acting, the venturi equipment generates a pressure drop. This prevents the water from reaching the highest levels of the farm. Therefore, as a solution it was proposed to use a more powerful centrifugal pump, which caused a higher electrical consumption.
Another inconvenience often observed was the miscalibration of the equipment, indicating that a different amount of nutrients had been provided to the crop than the one set by the person responsible for fertilization.
On the other hand, to adjust the pH, they dissolve acid in different portions in the fertilizer stock solution tanks. However, as the amounts and proportions to be dosed vary between the two types of water, the amount of acid supplied does not allow reaching the determined pH.
Solutions offered by ITC
The fertigation equipment offered by ITC represents a solution to these drawbacks. With this technology, quality fertilization is achieved. Thanks to the incorporation of dosing pumps, it is possible to supply specific amounts of nutrients efficiently. This way, the crop grows rapidly and productivity increases.
Another added value is that these dosing pumps achieve a homogeneous and simultaneous supply of nutrients with fertigation. That is, unlike other processes that fail to balance the application of fertilizers and other products, they make it possible for each part of the soil to receive the necessary amount of fertilizer. In the same way, with a correct dosage of the chemical products applied, it is possible to reduce the contamination of the soil and groundwater.
In conclusion, ITC fertigation equipment is suitable for managing irrigation and fertilizing zucchini crops in Almería. This is because they allow a reduction in the volumes of fertilizers, a volumetric dosing precision, a stable pH and an adequate supply of nutrients.
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