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Ferry Irawan Openly Regarding Venna Melinda’s Nose Bleeding


Ferry Irawan frankly told how Venna Melinda’s nose was bleeding so that the woman reported allegations of domestic violence committed by her husband to the police. That day, at a hotel in the city of Kediri, Ferry admitted that he was only trying to calm Venna Melinda who was hysterical and tried to beat herself after an extraordinary fight occurred in the room.

“I probably can’t say much. But there was a fight between me and my wife. I emphasize again that there was an extraordinary fight. In the end, I tried to calm my hysterical wife. She beat herself,” said Ferry, who came to the East Java Regional Police. to fulfill the summons for examination accompanied by his legal adviser, Jeffry Simatupang, Monday (16/1/2023).

It was at the time of the altercation that Ferry admitted that he had lifted Venna Melinda’s body onto the bed. He did it in an attempt to calm his wife. But at that moment, according to Ferry, Venna pressed her face against Ferry’s body while delivering words that according to Ferry were inappropriate for a wife to say.

“I lifted him onto the bed. At that time he pressed his face against mine with words. Finally I wanted to finish, I said, because those words were more than anything for me. In my heart, it shouldn’t have come out of my mouth. my wife. Finally I wanted to finish. I laid her down on the bed. That’s when she said I broke her nose,” he said.

Regarding what caused the dispute to occur, Ferry admitted that he did not want to expose his household’s disgrace. He considered that the root cause of the dispute was a matter of privacy between his household and Venna Melinda, which should not have been disclosed to the public. But he implied that it was not just a matter of ‘beds’.

“Nope (if it’s just a bed problem). Maybe it’s just one thing, huh. Like this, friends. It’s a bit difficult for me to talk because I’m not someone who likes to open up to household disgrace. So it’s still a bit difficult for me. Why, up to this moment what I hope is to open communication. I am still her legal husband. But at the time of the incident the door of communication was closed for both me and my family,” said Ferry.

Not only that, Ferry admitted that he hoped that the problems he faced with Venna could be resolved amicably, as his mother had hoped. Moreover, his mother, who had heard the news about the household turmoil that Ferry was experiencing, had now fallen ill. According to Ferry, his mother also fell ill because she was unable to solve the problem amicably.

“What I hope is that I have a mother who is 76 years old who has now fallen ill because of this news. My mother has tried too, as usual when there are household problems the family can solve them,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ferry’s legal adviser, Jeffry Simatupang, questioned the results of Venna Melinda’s autopsy regarding a broken nose as well as a fractured rib. According to him, it is still a possibility. Even though a possibility should not be conveyed to the public in criminal cases such as domestic violence.

“As of today there is a statement that mother V (Venna Melinda) said that ‘it is possible that my nose is broken’. Not ‘broken’, you know. ‘Possibility’. If it is possible, don’t make it a statement. The question is whether her nose is broken or not? When Mrs. V arrives came here, was his nose broken? Was there a tear? Then news came out. He said his ribs were broken. When he arrived, did you use any assistive devices or not?” Ask Jeffrey.

“Come on, let’s be smart in assessing news. Let’s look at the facts, is it true that the nose is broken? Is it true that the ribs are cracked? Let’s see the results of the post-mortem examination. Is it true that the nose is broken? Don’t let an incident that didn’t actually happen made it up. That’s how it is,” he said.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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