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Ferrari, what a blow: the unexpected confession alarms the fans of the Reds

Ferrari, what a blow: the confession alarms the fans of the Reds. 2022 will remain the year of great regrets in Maranello

With Binotto’s farewell, new scenarios are opening up for 2023, with a team principal yet to be chosen and a new sports management to be recreated from scratch. However, the technical project is very valid and the ambitions remain high.

Mattia Binotto and Laurent Mekies – Mondofuoristrada.it

The season of Ferrari it did not go according to expectations and this led to a sensational decision. The farewell of Binotti was in the air and has become a reality in the last 48 hours, with the official resignation of the team principal and the new course to open.

What happens now? The search for a new figure will go on for about a month and in January 2023 the name of the successor will be revealed. John Elkann, head of Ferrari and the Stellantis group, has decided on an overall cleanup, which unites the prancing Horse at the Juventus. Andrea Agnelli and the entire Juventus board he has removed the disturbance, to safeguard the good of the company, after the investigations on the balance sheets and capital gains.

This problem prevented a crossover frowned upon by a Red world specialist like Leone Turrini. See the former president of the “Old lady” at the head of the Stable now it is no longer possible.

Ferrari, Binotto’s resignation and the mistakes of 2022: the opinion of Leo Turrini

Leone Turrini
Leo Turrini – Mondofuoristrada.it

Turriniintervened in the transmission ‘Tutti Convocati’ broadcast on Radio 24, talked about the moment Ferrari and solutions for the future.

“Mattia Binotto and John Elkann were like water and oil, chemically incompatible, when the president’s trust in the managing director is lost in this case of the racing team it is right that this epilogue is reached even if for the Ferrari arrives at the wrong time since the car that will race in Bahrain in three months’ time is already practically finished.”

Then on the role of Leclerc in the Binotto affair (pressure from his entourage leading to the resignation of the Italian-Swiss engineer) adds: “With all his strengths and weaknesses Binotto was the perfect scapegoat, now there are no excuses and we must not forget that Leclerc, my idol, has won five grand prix. It’s not Alonso who had won two titles or Schumacher who arrived at Ferrari as reigning double world champion. It is precisely an absolutely inadequate management for what is the legend of the brand and the brand”.

Ferrari’s 2023 starts today: who will be the new Maranello team principal?

Ferrari Leclerc
Charles Leclerc in the paddock – Mondofuoristrada.it

In view of the 2023 an important name from which to start again will now have to be defined. Someone capable of completely reorganizing the sports department of Red. From the strategies to the designers pool, passing through the definition of the investments for the development of the F1-75. A heavy task that will have to be fulfilled with the right deadlines. The first tests of February they are not that far away.

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