This Friday, December 29 Julia Mengolini announced from her social networks that, two days before the New Year, she was fired from C5N. The journalist worked as a panelist for Hard to tame, the cycle driven by Pablo Duggan. Through your account Twittersaid that the channel decided to “dispense with its services.”
«They have decided to dispense with my services at @C5N. “I have received a lot of affection from my colleagues on the channel and that fills my soul and the good moments remain forever as happy memories, even in a very hard year… As always, you will find me on @futurockOk,” he wrote Julia Mengolini in a message that was also replicated in Instagram.
From LAM (America TV), Fernanda Iglesias generated controversy by mocking the dismissal of Julia Mengolini. «Karma is like that because when they kicked me out of Hard to Tame she celebrated. I don’t know if it was on air but they made jokes about my dismissal. I worked for 6 years on that program and they fired me for a fight I had on the air with Bodou. And she celebrated, she said ‘I like that they took her out’,” said the journalist.
On social networks, Fernanda Iglesias She was disowned for her words. «I don’t like Mengolini, but it’s okay to make fun of someone who lost their job. I don’t know how you put up with so much resentment in that group. They’re sad”, “Every time they took Iglesias out of a program they said she was violent”, “Karma is going to take care of you Fernanda”, “She can’t be such a bad person, everything comes back.” “Fernanda Iglesias is not spicy, she is just a resentful right-wing old woman,” some users wrote.
Yanina Latorre made fun of Julia Mengolini
After the statement of Julia Mengolini, Yanina Latorre He celebrated his dismissal with a nasty comment. And in the past, the journalist and the LAM panelist have had several confrontations: the latter accused her colleague of being a “Kirchnerist and receiving support from the state” to finance her radio. Futurock. “Happy 2024,” wrote Diego Latorre’s wife on her account. Twitter.
Meanwhile, days after learning of his dismissal, Julia Mengolini He shared a distressing message on his social networks. «In the last few days I had major surgery on Twitter, then they fired me from a job I was good at, I cried and felt defeated. But I also swam and rowed in the lake that raised me, I walked with my nephews, with Fede and with Rita through the forest where I learned to ride a bicycle, I laughed with my sister, I continued doing Segurola remotely, I cried again a A little bit, my mom hugged me, I received ridiculously beautiful and exaggerated messages and I continued rowing. Thanks for all the love. Really. Happy New Year. See you at @futurockok », the journalist wrote on her account. Instagram.