The “Conchita Regojo” and “D. Antonio and Doña Esther, located in Fermoselle and managed by Cáritas Diocesana de Zamora, continue with their program of activities on the occasion of the celebration of the world day of awareness of abuse and mistreatment in old age.
On June 15, the workers of these centers dedicated a session to introspection, looking inward, trying to get to know each other and analyzing how they relate to the elderly .
They also became aware and reflected on how to promote awareness of prevention of abuse in old age, and, if it is perceived, alleviate it and avoid behaviors of omission .
The activity with the elderly focused on dealing with the stereotypes present in old age. A space for debate was opened with the residents, extracting each myth or stereotype.
Finally, posters were delivered to the workers on this world day.