A conference proposed by Thérèse Courau and Marie-Agnès Palaisi
On the occasion of the exhibition Liliana Porter, the game of reality. From the 1960s to todaythe Abattoirs invited Thérèse Courau and Marie-Agnès Palaisi to draw the “Sketch of a political map of feminist and queer art in Latin America”, the time of a Slaughterhouse Thursday.
Located on the border between symbolic struggles and social struggles, Latin American artistic productions – like the works of Liliana Porter – put the political stakes of art into perspective.
Many and numerous are the artists who, starting from a mise en abyme of the way in which representations construct our identities, our bodies and our affects, have displaced both socio-sexed imaginaries and the myths of creation. Echoing the revision of the artistic fact to which the works of Liliana Porter invite us, this conference will aim to sketch a fragmentary cartography of feminist and queer art in Latin America.
Thérèse Courau and Marie-Agnès Palaisi are teacher-researchers at the University of Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès and members of the Center for Iberian and Ibero-American Studies (CEIIBA) and of the ARPEGE network (Multidisciplinary Approaches to Gender). Their research focuses on feminist and gender-dissident literatures and arts in Latin America.
Libia Posada, “Signos cardinales”, 2008-2019, Les Abattoirs collection, Museum – Frac Occitanie Toulouse, installation, variable sizes © Libia Posada; photo Sylvie Leonard