First of all the names: one above all, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer, Margo Jefferson, author of Negroland, who will be a guest atArena Robinson to talk about women and current events. But they will also be there A.K. Blakemore and Emilia Hart to talk about witches and today.
Come back from December 6th to 10th More books, freer, at the Nuvola dell’Eur, the most awaited event by many readers with our Arena. Like every year there will be writers, artists, philosophers and of course the signatures of Republic. To reflect together on the lights and shadows of the current world but also to talk about literature, journalism and comics.
More free books, see you at Arena Robinson. Here is the complete program

Own fantasy, feminism and comics it’s three o’clock F which recur – with a reference if we want to the theme around which this year’s small and medium publishing fair revolves, that is Names Things Cities Animals, that childish game that uses the letters of the alphabet to decipher, in this case, the reality that surrounds us – in the rich program ofArena Robinson, curated by Silvia Barbagallo, which involves Italian and foreign authors, engaged in comparisons, lectio magistralis and presentations. Let’s try to bring out some of them in particular.
Più Libri Più Liberi is back and will be dedicated to Giulia Cecchettin
by Ilaria Zaffino

For example, we will talk about fantasy Christopher Paolini author of Eragon e Murtagh who will talk about his worlds in dialogue with Claudia Mregola (Thursday 7 December, 4pm). But also with Licia Troisi in dialogue with the bookmaker Francesca Tamburini, author of The Guardian, in the meeting entitled “The best of all possible worlds? It’s fantasy” (Friday 8 December, 3.45pm).
We will talk about feminism (and feminicides in the wake of current events and the case of Giulia Cecchettin), as we said with Margo Jeffersonmark the appointment, Friday 8th at 1pm. And then again the writer Chiara Valerio tells Circe, the daughter of the sun, icon of feminist and freedom battles (again on Friday 8th at 5.15pm). While she is Melania MazzuccoSunday 10th at 6.30 pm, to close our Arena with the lectio magistralis “We are all Circe”, or how the sorceress of theOdyssey in literature and art. Immediately before (Sunday 10th at 5.45pm) the linguist will compete Vera Gheno and the writer Nicola Lagioia on “The education of the male”.
From feminism to Disputed Mediterranean which the director of will discuss Republic Maurizio Molinari e Corrado Augias (Sunday 10th, 5pm). Another of the most addressed themes, starting from the first day, will obviously be the war: Ascanio Celestini in fact it dialogues with Fabio Tonaccicorrespondent of Republic, on the major ongoing conflicts (Wednesday 6 December, 12pm). And then, again, we will talk about Italy, the West and ongoing wars with the two editorialists of Republic e Press Massimo Giannini e Lucia Annunziata (6 December, 6pm). World conflicts and balances are also protagonists of the meeting “Ukraine is Gaza: two sides of the same war?” with Lucio Caracciolo and the correspondent Fabio Tonacci (Thursday 7, 5.15 pm).
But during the five days of the event we will also talk about satire (with Saverio Raimondo), of music, of school, of the environment and of sport: for example, of tennis as a great metaphor for life.
Above all, don’t miss the meetings with the booktoker which, as with the Turin Book Fair, return to animate the space dedicated to the events of Republic e Robinson also to More free books. In fact, Gen Z who reads will be protagonists on stage and on our social channels to talk about the events and behind the scenes. Come and visit us!
#Feminism #fantasy #wars #comics #visit #Arena #Robinson
– 2024-05-05 11:48:17