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Femicide in Olaya: “Only God”, Jenny’s last message on Facebook | THE UNIVERSAL

Sonly God ”. On Tuesday, June 1, at 8:25 p.m., Jennifer Herrera Hernández published what would be her last message on her profile on the social network Facebook. The text accompanied him with a selfie.

Twenty-four hours later, the 25-year-old girl was murdered by her ex-partner inside her home and in front of her 7-year-old son in the Olaya Herrera neighborhood, Ricaurte sector.

The femicide, identified as Albeiro de Jesús Corzo Amaranto, took his own life after being pursued by a mob that wanted to lynch him and by police officers who were looking for him to capture him. He escaped through the courtyards of several houses before shooting himself, in the El Líbano neighborhood.

“She wasn’t his girlfriend, she was his ex-wife and the mother of his son; He was an obsessive man who always threatened to kill her and even took her life. He killed his son’s mother in front of him and then he killed himself, “said a close friend of Jennifer when confirming her death on Wednesday at 8:25 pm.

It seems, according to information from Jennifer’s relatives, that she and Albeiro had recently separated due to his mistreatment. Tired of this situation, the young woman told him less than a month ago to leave home.

Albeiro, who was a vigilante, continued to visit Jennifer to see their son. Wednesday was no exception, with the aggravation that after the visit there was an argument in her room, and without caring that the boy was there, he shot his ex-wife in the head.

Faced with harassment by the victim’s neighbors, Albeiro fled with a revolver in hand. So they found him lifeless a few minutes later inside a house that was not his, after shooting himself in the temple. Beside him was a Flame revolver.

“After a persecution deployed in the El Líbano neighborhood, the perpetrator of a femicide committed in Olaya Herrera took his life after feeling cornered by the police units. This feminicide was identified as Albeiro de Jesús Corzo Amaranto, who, according to the versions of witnesses, would be the author of the feminicide of Jennifer Herrera Hernández ”, summarized the Metropolitan Police Command.

This year there are seven women murdered in Cartagena. Jennifer is the second victim of femicide. On January 7, Rosmery Margarita Pérez Torres, 36, a mother of four, was stabbed by her sentimental partner in the El Espinal neighborhood. The alleged femicide, Carlos Medina Dorantes, was sheltered with an assurance measure by a Guarantee Control judge.

The Fundación Feminicides Colombia reported that in the first three months of 2021 there were 77 femicides in the country.

The main victims of femicides in the first quarter of the year in the country were women between the ages of 19 and 25 (18). They are followed by those between the ages of 26-35 (16); 36 and 45 years (12); 46-60 (9); 13-18 (7); 0-12 (5) and more than 60 (2).

In 45.7% of the cases, the aggressors were couples; 9.9% (ex-partners); unknown (7.4%); acquaintance (4.9%), relative (3.7%), father (2.5%), son (2.5%), stepfather (1.2%), stepson (1.2%), ex-brother-in-law ( 1.2%) and does not register (19.8%).

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