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Female alopecia in celebrities: the most shocking cases

Many women suffer from this problem in silence and use all kinds of treatments and solutions like wigs to try to hide it. Caused by stress, mistreatment of the hair or by hormonal disorders, female alopecia affects millions of women around the world.

Its appearance begins with symptoms such as hair thinning or a decrease in its density, unlike men who begin to lose hair from the forehead and crown. It is something that affects many celebrities who have told about their problem on occasion. Don’t you know of any? Pay attention and discover the most shocking cases below.

Selma Blair

One of the best known cases has been that of actress Selma Blair. On some occasion, she has made public that she began to lose hair after giving birth due to what is known as diffuse alopecia of acute telogenic effluvium. Behind this name with a catastrophic appearance is a very common type of alopecia in the months after childbirth that occurs due to a change in the regulation of hormones, although normally the hair returns to normal over time. Selma Blair has recounted how she collected strands of her hair down the drain during that period.

Isabel preysler

Isabel Preysler is one of the celebrities who has confessed on occasion that she suffers from hair loss problems and that take a pill treatment to fight baldness. The mother of Enrique Iglesias and Tamara Falcó has always had little hair and has had to resort on many occasions to external solutions for her public appearances.

Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has confessed that her adoration for bizarre wigs is not just to change her look but because she suffers from baldness. The mistreatment to which he has subjected his hair has taken its toll on him and he has confessed that she had to cut her hair because it was falling out. Use hair vitamins It will help keep hair healthy longer, a solution that the American pop star is sure to have already resorted to.

Jada Pinket Smith

The well-known wife of the American actor Will Smith has recognized her hair problems in recent interviews. He appeared on a television show and confessed that he has been wearing turbans lately because he is suffering from hair loss problems. Has confessed that have gone to the consultation of different doctors in search of an answer, but that no one had been able to give him a firm answer to his problem. In any case, it does not seem that she is very affected by the issue.

Keira Knightley

This actress is one of those who has had no qualms about confessing that she was running out of hair because of dyeing her hair so many times. The different looks that he has had to adopt in his films and series they have forced him to dye his hair in very different ways and for this reason his hair began to literally fall out in shreds. The actress has revealed that she has applied different treatments to recover her hair and that she no longer accepts hair dyes in the movies, only wigs that do not damage her hair. In any case, we cannot forget that men also suffer from alopecia and to stop hair loss they also use hair vitamins natural to maintain the mane.

Ariana Grande

She is one of the youngest celebrities to admit that she is losing her hair to dye abuse. Her well-known ponytail is totally fake and she uses extensions constantly. Everything has its origin in the red tints that he has used for his role in different series, such as “Victorious”. The ends of her hair are mangled and He always picks it up in high ponytails because he has some bald spots in the crown area. But far from flattening out, he has turned the new looks of his hair into an element of identification of his character that has worked quite well for him.

Viola Davis

The actress Viola Davis is one of the celebrities who has spoken most openly about her hair problem. He has confessed that he suffers from alopecia areata, a form of baldness that causes hair loss due to spots in different areas of the scalp. According to his own statements your baldness is caused by stress and recently a bald spot was discovered on the top of his head during the filming of his well-known television series “How to get away with murder.”

As you can see, there are many famous women, celebrities, actresses and singers who suffer from some type of alopecia in their hair. It is something very widespread among women of all ages and it is a phenomenon that is becoming more and more visible.

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