Home » today » World » Félix Tshisekedi dribbled by his Minister of Justice – La Libre Afrique

Félix Tshisekedi dribbled by his Minister of Justice – La Libre Afrique

The dossier of the Minaku-Sakata bill aimed at planing the prerogatives of public prosecutors for the benefit of the Minister of Justice has not finished poisoning the Cach – FCC coalition.

This Friday, the Council of Ministers was particularly stormy in Kinshasa. In question, the sleight of hand passes successfully by Prime Minister Ilunga and the Minister of Justice Tunda to bypass the President of the Republic on the bill that has made Kinshasa and a few major cities in the country tremble in the middle of the week.

Indeed, when a bill is tabled in the National Assembly by a deputy, the President of the House is obliged to transmit this text to the Prime Minister who then dispatches it to the Minister in in charge of the file concerned, here the Minister of Justice.

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The Minister then examines the text, comments on it and forwards it to the Prime Minister for inclusion in the agenda of the Council of Ministers. The entire executive in turn examines it and gives an opinion before this text returns to the National Assembly for debate. The caretaker minister then appeared before MPs to explain and defend this text which received the assent of the government.

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“We must not forget that the president is the head of the executive. If he cannot bury the text, he has levers to drag the process so long that a text never returns to the National Assembly ”, explains a former Congolese minister who adds: “It was one of Kabila’s favorite games”.

Here, the Minister of Justice returned the text to the National Assembly with a favorable opinion without it being placed on the agenda of the Council of Ministers, without therefore notifying his colleagues or the President of the Republic. Minister Tunda has clearly bypassed all channels. It seems equally obvious that, in this case, he had to benefit from the support – of the complicity – of the Prime Minister.

In the ranks of Cach, calls for the resignation of the Minister of Justice increased on Friday. “This gentleman has committed a forgery, explains a member of the presidential party. He said that he was engaging the entire Congolese government without his knowledge. Confidence is broken. The president can no longer work with him. ”

The breach of trust comes up in all conversations, at least as much as the calls for sacking.

Immediate arrest

Professor André Mbata, Professor of Constitutional Law at theUniversity of Kinshasa, demanded this Friday evening the immediate arrest of the Minister of Justice for forgery and use of forgery, explaining that there is in this file a case of flagrancy with the aggravating circumstances that the perpetrator is a lawyer and Minister of Justice!

It remains to be seen what Félix Tshisekedi will do, who certainly has certain prerogatives but who must always deal with an executive whose key positions are in the hands of his “ally” of the FCC, who never stops agitating the risk of transforming the current coexistence coalition. A change that would mean complete isolation for President Tshisekedi.

On the other hand, by dint of noticing the failings of his coalition partner, threatening him with retaliatory measures before putting his “red ball” in the back of the drawer, the President of the Republic appears more and more as a “King” with symbols of power but stripped of all his attributes.

A year and a half after coming to power, four days before the sixty years of independence, Félix Tshisekedi is at a crossroads. If he does not want to spend the three and a half years that he still has in power to be content with flowering the graves and inaugurating charity galas, the president will have to be heard and quickly.

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