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Feldhofer on victory: “It is a liberation for the whole club”

  • Markus Schopp: “As of today we have reached zero”
  • Michael Novak: “I think you can work very well with us”
  • David Cancola: “We cannot reproach ourselves of the willpower”

RZ Pellets WAC wins 3-0 against TSV Prolactal Hartberg. The most important voices for the game Sky X,

RZ Pellets WAC – TSV Prolactal Hartberg 3: 0 (0: 0)
Referee: Robert Schörgenhofer

Ferdinand Feldhofer (Trainer RZ Pellets WAC):
… About the game: “It is a liberation for the whole club to start the three we wanted in the first game. I am happy for long stretches of the game. We have mastered the game over many phases and it is important that we remain patient and never let the opponent out. The first goal is ticked off, now we have to make sure that we create a good starting position for the upper playoff. ”

… About Shon Weissman: “We are very happy that he stayed. He didn’t really want to leave and knows what he has there. “

Michael Novak (RZ Pellets WAC):
… About the victory: “As a Carinthian, you always have an easy time against Styrians (laughs). We have implemented our guidelines well and have not become impatient when we haven’t scored in the first half. We said we have to keep playing like this. When we went 1-0 in the jubilee, we said we had to stay focused and then came 2-0 – great. ”

… About the new trainer: “We have been together for six weeks, so there is a lot of input. He continues this and it went well and we have to keep working. We are a great group with a lot of experience and character and are very willing to learn and take it on. I think you can work very well with us. ”

Dietmar Riegler (President RZ Pellets WAC):
… About Gerhard Struber: “I had a conversation with him where I told him that no coach had taken players from the WAC so far, but it is legitimate. There was an agreement that Ritzmeier would remain the only one because he had an exit clause and that he would not do that with the other players. He didn’t stick to that. But that is yesterday’s and past snow. Now we are looking to the future. “

… About the new financial possibilities: “We will continue working immediately and invest the money in infrastructure. We look at what comes together and will not immediately squander it. We hope to be in the top six. Of course, the team would like to stay internationally again this year. Depending on where we operate internationally or not, the team should be reorganized in spring. “

… About Ferdinand Feldhofer: “He didn’t want to change the game system in which we were successful. I like how it ticks and we have worked successfully with young coaches. He didn’t come here for the money, he wanted to continue to perform like the coaches before. Word has got around that the WAC is a good club for young coaches who want to develop in the Bundesliga.

… about the standing of the WAC: “We are a small club and try to get the best out of it. There will be times when we will be eighth, ninth, tenth. Then no world collapses for us because our expectations are not as great as with the larger clubs in Austria. ”

Markus Schopp (Trainer TSV Prolactal Hartberg):
… about the game: “The WAC deservedly won, although the first half was okay. We started very well, then came the phase where we deviated from the plan and that’s enough for a team like the WAC to get to the goal. Then the WAC got into the flow and we had too many problems. The WAC was simply the more mature team today. The double pack was too fast and you noticed that the WAC has become even safer. These are things that shouldn’t happen, but we play for a very good team that has a lot of quality. ”

… About the current table situation: “As of today we have reached zero. We know how we played today. If we are in the top six after 22 laps, we deserve it, if not, we don’t deserve it. ”

David Cancola (TSV Prolactal Hartberg):
… about the game: “We cannot reproach ourselves for the willpower. We got in well in the first half, but then lost access and overslept the first few minutes in the second half. We know how strong the WAC is and if you are 2-0 behind after five minutes in the second half it is incredibly difficult. If we had made it 1-2, it would have been really exciting, but you can’t do anything like that. ”

Manuel Ortlechner (Sky Expert):
… about the performance of WAC: “They have once again shown themselves to be a shade better and I think they will have another say in the matter when it comes to third place and European places.”

Hans Krankl (Sky Expert):
… about Shon Weissman: “He is a guarantee for goals and has proven it again today.”

… about the possible whereabouts of Hartberg “above the line”: “The chances are good. For Hartberg it is always clear that they have to fight. They have to score if they want to stay in the top six. ”

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