construction projects
Felben-Wellhausen supports additional credit for school room expansion – that’s how much money was involved
Felben-Wellhausen needs more space for kindergarten and school children. Voters have already approved a loan of 390,000 francs. Now it became clear that that wasn’t enough. The extraordinary meeting is about an additional loan of 250,000 francs.
Entrance to Felben-Wellhausen.
280 school children attend classes in Felben-Wellhausen. By 2025 there will be 290 children, and in ten years there will be over 300 children. So the school needs more space and the planning work needs more money.
Primary school president Andrea Küng explained at the extraordinary school community meeting on Monday evening that an additional loan of 250,000 francs was necessary. After the planner selection process, the authorities realized that the loan of 390,000 francs that had already been approved was not enough.

Andrea Küng, school president of the Felben-Wellhausen primary school authority.
A clear yes to the additional loan
48 voters gathered in the community center. They approved the additional loan with 44 votes in favor, 2 against and 2 abstentions. But the rising costs also have an impact on the tax rate.
In Felben-Wellhausen this is in third place in the canton of Thurgau with 89 percentage points. School president Küng said: “We cannot avoid increasing the tax rate.” She provided information about the two tranches of the tax rate increase, both times it was by four percentage points.

The presented plan of the expanded school complex.
Planning for the school expansion is well advanced. As property manager Roman Schäfli explained, the extension for four kindergartens will be located on the red sports fieldall in connection with the existing school building.
He said: “We have eleven primary school classes and the space is already tight.” In two years there will be twelve classes. There is an urgent need for action. The school authorities are hoping for broad support from school residents.
Daniel Graber and Ebru Buskert from RLC Architekturbüro Winterthur explained the architectural concept. Buskert emphasized the educational benefits of a structure with four adjacent kindergartens, a covered, multifunctional outdoor area and a child-friendly building height. One speaker praised the preparatory work that had been done, but was missing a suggestion for consolidation.
Because if more space were required, you would be faced with the same problem again. Individual speakers then called for an increase in the number of kindergarten extensions. Graber included an additional variant in further planning. One speaker criticized the wooden elements outside. The architects said they wanted to stick to robust and simple materials.
2023-09-26 14:54:05
#FelbenWellhausen #additional #loan #school #space #expansion