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Feicom and the Chamber of Agriculture join forces to…

The Chamber of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Forests of Cameroon (Capef) and the Special Fund for Intermunicipal Equipment and Intervention (Feicom) have decided to pool their forces to support producers. recently signed a framework partnership agreement in Yaoundé. Paul Martin Mindjos Momeny, president of Capef and Philippe Camille Akoa, general manager of Feicom, are the co-signatories of this document which aims for financial and technical pooling in the agro-pastoral sector.

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The two parties have also made commitments to seek funding jointly from donors. ” We have just signed an important framework partnership agreement to pool our efforts in order to provide solutions to the concerns of producers with decentralized local authorities, in particular municipalities and regions. It is indeed a question of identifying projects defined within the framework of the transfer of competences from the State to the municipalities of projects which can positively impact the daily activity of our members and nationals. “, explained the president of Capef. It should be noted that the main mission of the Fund is to contribute to the harmonious development of all the decentralized territorial communities on the basis of national solidarity and inter-regional and inter-municipal balance, in liaison with the administrations concerned.

As such, Feicom centralizes and redistributes regional taxes and levies subject to equalization, as well as municipal additional cents and other municipal and regional taxes subject to equalization, in accordance with the regulations in force; Makes available to the regions, municipalities, associations of municipalities and beneficiary urban communities, the corresponding shares of the General Decentralization Endowment approved by the government; Proceeds to the payment of the remuneration of the presidents and members of the offices of the regional councils, as well as of the municipal magistrates; finally, participates in financial operations aimed at promoting local economic development, in liaison with the other administrations and structures concerned, in particular: the mobilization of national and international resources as well as financial intermediation in the search and management of resources from the decentralized cooperation, in favor of decentralized territorial communities.

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