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Féguifoot: Ibrahima Blasco Barry Special Advisor to the President or the return home (Editorial by Abdoulaye Condé)

« Between the tree and the bark, you must not put your finger.” This advice given to us by the proverb applies perfectly to the relationship between the new Special Advisor to the President of the Federation and Football. Explicitly, between Ibrahima Blasco Barry and Football, we must avoid interfering. As demonstrated by these few images chosen from thousands of others illustrating its activities around the world, from Conakry to Sao Paulo, from Algiers to Cape Town, from Beijing to Melbourne, from Cairo to London, from Paris to Addis Ababa, Ibrahima Blasco Barry is an album that Guinean Football still needs. Indeed, after a 6-year “exile” as a persecuted politician, Ibrahima Blasco Barry marks his official return to the Teminėtaye Palace.

By a decision signed on Friday January 26 and published the same day, the President of the Guinean Football Federation, Bouba Dinah Sampil, appointed Ibrahima Blasco Barry to the eminently strategic position of Special Advisor to the President. As such, he will use his great proven expertise in the matter, his ease of contact in a world he knows perfectly to set up and submit projects and programs for the development of Guinean Football and its structures likely to obtain the approval of the Council of FIFA as part of its Forward program as was the case in the relatively recent past with the construction of certain sports infrastructures. It is this essential mission that the new President of the Guinean Football Federation, Bouba Dinah Sampil clearly seems to entrust to Ibrahima Blasco Barry through the act of appointment of the latter. Without any doubt that on this important register of the mandate, the The contribution of the special advisor, also admitted to the decision-making table of elected officials, could be of quality and quantity to the new Executive Committee of the Guinean Football Federation over the next 4 years. His experience, in this sense, largely pleads in favor of optimism if seriousness, rigor in respect of the texts. dictate the behavior and functioning of both statutory members and members of the new executive.

But the major challenge for the special advisor during this mandate remains his ability to transcend himself, to promote the reconciliation of the Guinean football family torn into several pieces by unfortunately repetitive crises for almost 10 years. More than 3 decades of activism and responsibility in the world of Guinean Football with beneficial openings to CAF and FIFA where he often sat and played roles, Ibrahima Blasco Barry is certainly a very knowledgeable notable useful to this Executive Committee . During his mandate, he had to draw inspiration from his own trials to prevent and avoid conflict situations with always unpleasant and harmful consequences for Football, footballers and the Guinean public. Thus, if his return necessarily presents its appearance of rehabilitation, he should guard against any spirit of triumphalism and revenge. This return to the saddle must be seen as the revaluation of a framework that Guinean Football needs to relaunch its development and progress interrupted by discord in which the former secretary general of the Guinean Football Federation also has some responsibility. to assume and that the new Special Advisor to the President has the obligation to take into account so as not to let history repeat itself. He who has had the privilege of practicing many leaders of Guinean Football is very well suited to play the role of crosses of transmission between the different clans unfortunately formed on the basis of quarrels of a personal nature and not of ideas. It should help the President of the Guinean Football Federation, Bouba Dinah Sampil, to translate into reality this notable passage from his installation speech: from this moment on, there is no longer a G47 nor a Club Collective, there is only the G65″,

For his part and in a personal capacity, Ibrahima Blasco Barry needs the forgiveness and blessing of all the Presidents whom he has actually served not without errors, faults or sins inherent to human activity and existence. grave, the memories of Presidents NFamara Camara, Aboubacar Bruno Bangoura, Secretaries General Aboubacar Barathe Camara, Ali Altafini Bangoura, Fodė Capi Camara and other deceased leaders will watch over and guide him in all initiatives and actions which are intended to serve the interest of Football. He will need the blessing and support of former Presidents Salifou Camara Super V, Mamadou Antonio Souaré and Mohamed Lamine Nabe (CONOR), that of vice-presidents Djibril Diarra Becken, Ibrahima Sory Conté, Amadou Diaby, Ms. Zalikatou Diallo and all the collaborators of the different Executive Committees of the years of exercise of her functions as Secretary GeneralGo to the former candidates, Abdoul Karim Bangoura AKB, Mathurin Bangoura, Almamy Saidou Sylla, the leaders of the clubs, the managers of the different Leagues is an imperative for success.To return and conclude on the relations with the 2 former Presidents SalifouCamara Super V and Mamadou Antonio Souaré, it is important to note that perfection is not human, errors are inevitable, but I take advantage of this happy event to testify once again and solemnly that his availability, his respect and even his love for his former Patrons did not suffer from any hint of doubt in me. To both, the Secretary General that he was invested without reservation to obtain results and even to please. Despite the upheavals with one and the misunderstandings with the other, Ibrahima Blasco Barry has always been the clerk serving the influence of Guinean Football and its leaders.

Today, this challenge becomes even heavier than yesterday. Despite the upheavals with one and the misunderstandings with the other, Ibrahima Blasco Barry has always been the agent serving the influence of Guinean Football and its leaders. Today, this challenge becomes even heavier than yesterday. Good luck dear friend. In this heavy mission, GOD watches over you. Amen.

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