Home » today » News » Fees for state-order students and doctoral students are waived from this academic year – 2024-03-13 12:04:43

Fees for state-order students and doctoral students are waived from this academic year – 2024-03-13 12:04:43

Those who have paid for the year-long training course will be refunded half of the amount paid

Tuition fees for students and doctoral students state order to drop already in this academic year. This is what the government decided with the proposed changes to the Higher Education Act.

The goal is to improve students’ access to higher education, as well as to make public higher education institutions more attractive to those prospective students who are hesitating whether to continue their education and life path abroad or in Bulgaria. With the abolition of fees for undergraduates and PhD students, the corresponding tuition costs will be borne by the state. The necessary amount is calculated at nearly BGN 136 million for 2024.

It is planned that the annual fee paid by students and doctoral students will be half of the already approved amount for 2023/2024. For this purpose, within one month of the entry into force of the changes in the Law on Higher Education, the Council of Ministers will allocate additional funds to universities and scientific organizations that have the right to conduct training in the educational and scientific degree “doctor”, to compensate them for the reduced income from fees. Within a two-month period, higher schools and scientific organizations must refund the differences to those students and doctoral students who have paid annual fees in an amount greater than half of those already approved for 2023/2024.

The measure is a continuation of the state’s policy of providing accessible, comprehensive and quality education. With legislative changes from the beginning of 2022 to support parents and access to early childhood development, kindergartens became free for citizens. School education in state and municipal schools has always been free for students, and from the next school year 2024/2025, textbooks and reference books for all children and students from I to XII classes will be free.

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