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Federico Guibaud met with Sergio Massa

The president of the block of councilors of the Renovador Front was received this Friday by the president of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation. They discussed different issues that affect Luján and the country, including the modification of the income tax that benefited thousands of people from Luján. Massa promised to manage ENaCom support for a project that the government and local legislature have been working on to improve internet connectivity in Luján schools and together with the Minister of Transport Mario Meoni the progress with the arrival of the committed funds with Luján for the total remodeling and enhancement of the Bus Terminal.

Sergio Massa received in his office of the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation this Friday the president of the block of councilors of the Frente Renovador Federico Guibaud to discuss different topics of interest.

Massa was interested in the impact of Luján of the modification in the income tax floor and Guibaud internalized it on the thousands of people from Luja that will benefit from the measure: The mayor also told the head of the Chamber of Deputies about the resolution that was approved unanimously in the local deliberative that supported the treatment of said modifications.

Another project that Massa and Guibaud talked about was the one that the councilors of Massismo will soon present in the local HCD: It is about providing high-speed internet to educational establishments in Luján, in order to improve connectivity in relation to education in the district, a project that Leonardo Boto’s municipal government has also been working on for months. Regarding this issue, Massa pledged to seek the support of the ENaCom (National Communications Agency) in the hands of its president Claudio Ambrosini.

While both political leaders discussed the arrival in Luján of the funds committed to Luján, they are 172 million pesos, for the total remodeling and enhancement of the bus terminal. “Sergio undertook to manage in the Ministry of Transportation of the Nation in charge of comrade Mario Meoni so that the funds arrive quickly in Luján and the work begins”, explained Federico Guibaud.

The mayor expressed his joy at the meeting with Massa: “We knew Sergio many years ago, when Massismo was just born we were already activating the space in Luján.”

“Massa has been making a great effort at the head of the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation and the truth is that we are proud to continue walking by his side,” the councilor closed.

Published on Saturday, April 10, 2021

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