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Federica Panicucci, greetings and sadness, will no longer be on TV

A reality that at some point it is necessary to face, Federica Panicucci greeted her audience and did it with her usual great joy, but the fans are desperate.

The beloved protagonist of the small screen for many years is Federica Panicucci, with her cheerfulness and that engaging smile has always been loved by the publicbecoming a reference point for the world of entertainment in our country.

Federica has a great talent, that is to give a breath of freshness to all the programs of which she is the host, as we could see with the broadcast that saw her at the helm of ‘Mattino Cinqueone of the flagship programs of the Mediaset network in the morning, at his side we find Francesco Vecchi, with whom he does an excellent team work.

The great strength of its management lies precisely in being able to combine lighter topics and frivolous entertainment, always maintaining a certain type of qualityto the point of dealing with important and topical issues with the right respect and professionalism they deserve, in short Federica is a great professional and this has been recognized several times by the very same network that has always given her great trust.

But we arrived at that time of year when we need to take stock and Mediaset are working frantically to set up the schedule for next season, this also implies understanding which programs have been successful and that can continue with the arrival of September and those who alas they will be permanently deleted.

But it is not only us show users who are waiting for answers, but also the protagonists themselves, who are waiting to know what their future working will be according to the numbers they have brought home during the season.

Despite Federica Panicucci is a real ace in her work, in any case, it is always the numbers that speak. One of the news that has been leaked in recent times is just that ‘Morning Five’, in fact, will no longer be on the airthe same host during the last episode he greeted all the spectators thanking them for the warmth and affection they sent her.

Federica Panicucci

Both she and Vecchi said they were proud of the results obtained during the course of the season that ended and the numbers bode well for the next season which will resume in September, so they declared, “The main element that distinguished this edition is that our audience was there. There was, you were there every day. There were many of you, let’s face it! ”.

So all the fans of ‘Mattino Cinque’ and Federica Panicucci can sleep peaceful nights, the program has been reconfirmed for next season, the famous presenter you will take a well-deserved period of relaxation to recharge your batteries and return in September in better shape than ever.

Federica Panicucci

Some rumors speak of the possibility that there are changes and the news within the now consolidated format, we are very curious to find out what they will have in store for us.

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