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Federica Draghi, investment in sight: the sector will amaze you

An investment coming up for Federica Draghi, Mario Draghi’s manager daughter. This concerns pharmaceutical business within a project that awaits the authorization of the Bank of Italy and Consob.


The business acumen it is what distinguishes an experienced investor from a novice trader. In a time of pandemic, health emergency, vaccinations for millions of people, which financial sector is more attractive than that pharmaceutical? Federica Draghi is a professional manager who evidently has the nose and has decided to focus on Xgen Venture Life Science, an innovative project that only awaits the authorization of the Bank of Italy and Consob to be activated.

Xgen Venture Life Science, Federica Draghi’s investment

Xgen Venture Life Science it’s a mutual investment fund under Italian law, securities, closed-end type, reserved which can be included in the fund category for qualified venture capitalists. The project meets the interests of Mario Draghi’s daughter, Federica, manager with a particular prediction for biochemistry. His path clearly demonstrates this passion of his. She holds a BA in Biology from La Sapienza University, a PhD in Biochemistry and an MBA in Business Administration from Columbia Business School in New York.

After the training experience at Genextra – an important name in biotechnology in Italy – he decided to found a group of which he owns 30% of the capital. Let’s talk about the Xgen and the collaboration with Daniele Thimoty Scarinci and Paolo Fundarò.

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What is Life Science

In the minutes of the administrative council of Xgen of last August 5 the launch of the Life Science fund. It is an investment that focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises, innovative and the high-tech start-ups which can provide new technologies. The reference is, of course, that of life science and the greatest attention will be paid to companies that deal with the development with consequent commercialization of drugs, therapies, medical devices, solutions in the field of healthcare and diagnostic applications.

The sectors involved in the investment will therefore be that biotechnological, pharmaceutical and para-pharmaceutical deemed of vital importance in the government project by Mario Draghi. It will be possible to succeed in limiting the conflicts of interest? Federica Draghi will have many tasks for which she will be fully responsible, from the presentation of subscription opportunities to hiring, from collaboration agreements with companies to employee transfers. For now, it awaits the outcome of the consultation by the Bank of Italy and Consob, a verdict that according to many is taken for granted.

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