In response to the publication of the draft regulation amending the Regulation respecting educational childcare services in the Gazette officielle du Québec, the Fédération des cégeps sent a notice to the Ministry of Families on December 13 in which it announced of its concerns, particularly with regard to the reduction in the ratio of qualified child care personnel in childhood education.
Indeed, the Federation is greatly concerned by article 23 of the draft regulation which would particularly affect daycares and early childhood centers whose ratio of qualified childcare personnel would go from two in three to one in two for the next three years. The project also plans to allow the ratio of qualified personnel to be reduced to one in three instead of one in two in certain situations. Although the proposed ratio for qualified personnel is higher than that established during the health crisis, i.e. one in three, the Fédération des cégeps fears that the extension of such a temporary measure will give the impression that it will become permanent among people interested in training in the field of childhood education.
“It’s a very funny message that is sent to people who are following or considering training in the field. We are concerned that they are abandoning the study paths leading to a diploma of college studies (DEC) or an attestation of college studies (AEC) even though they are supposed to allow them to obtain the qualification for work in childhood education according to criteria established by the Ministry of Families. The message conveyed by this draft regulation therefore goes squarely against the efforts made by the Federation, the ministries concerned and our partners to promote qualifying pathways, whether it be participation in the accelerated updating of the DEC program in Childhood Education Techniques, the adaptation of the AEC in the form of a work-study course or even the campaign to promote the profession of specialized educators among men”, indicated the president- general director of the Fédération des cégeps, Mr. Bernard Tremblay.
Furthermore, the Federation emphasizes in its opinion that the DEC in Childhood Education Techniques ultimately leads to one of the techniques offering the least advantageous working and salary conditions on the job market. Although it understands the need to quickly implement actions to counter the labor shortage currently plaguing the field of early childhood, the Fédération des cégeps fears that reducing the requirement for The qualified workforce increases the pressure on them. An increase in unqualified staff leads to increased support for unqualified people, and increases staff turnover to the detriment of children.
In the eyes of the Federation, reducing the ratio of qualified personnel is therefore not the preferred solution in the context of the current labor shortage. She says she is ready to collaborate with the Ministry of Family and any other partner in order to explore new avenues of action, whether in terms of promoting the profession or improving working and salary conditions.
You can view it on his website the opinion that the Fédération des cégeps sent to the Ministry of Families.
2023-12-14 09:42:39
#Training #childhood #education #Fédération #des #cégeps #expresses #concerns #Ministry #Families