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Federal States Advocate for Nationwide Compulsory Insurance in 2022—Chancellor Overruled

The heads of government of the federal states had already spoken out in favor of compulsory insurance in 2022. The Chancellor had already promised the Prime Ministers the introduction of nationwide compulsory insurance, said Kretschmann. “The federal government, in the form of its justice minister, canceled that,” he criticized on Tuesday. “I think that’s just not possible. That the end of the flagpole has now been reached.”

“I actually find that really unbearable,” said Kretschmann about the current situation. From the state government’s perspective, a patchwork would disadvantage property owners who already have insurance. In Baden-Württemberg, 94 percent have such insurance, in other countries it is only less than 30 percent, said Kretschmann. The head of government even mentioned the possibility that Baden-Württemberg could leave the solidarity community. “Because my apartment owners are highly insured.” He can only urgently appeal to the federal government to finally follow the “path of reason” and present a corresponding bill immediately.

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2024-01-09 21:37:27
#find #unbearable #Kretschmann #insists #insurance

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