Home » today » Business » Federal Judge Julian Ercolini Orders Measures in Case Against Former President Alberto Fernández for ANSES Insurance Scandal: Millions in Commissions Paid to Brokers

Federal Judge Julian Ercolini Orders Measures in Case Against Former President Alberto Fernández for ANSES Insurance Scandal: Millions in Commissions Paid to Brokers

The federal judge Julian Ercolini ordered the first measures in the case against former president Alberto Fernández for contracting insurance from ANSES and the Ministry of Security and where they would have been paid millionaire commissions a distintos brokers.

Among other measures, the judge requested the immigration records of the former president, of his then secretary María Cantero and her husband, the broker Héctor Martinez Sosaamong other people.

These are the measures requested by the federal prosecutor Ramiro González and in which the former president was charged along with the former head of Nación Seguros Alberto Pagliano for embezzlement of public funds.

Ercolini requested that within 24 hours the Chief of Staff and the Legal and Technical Secretariat of the Presidency of the Nation “that provides the background, actions and legal opinions” about decree 823/2021 that began the insurance that was granted along with the loans that ANSES gave to retirees and pensioners.

Insurance scandal: the judge’s requests

The judge also asked reports to Nación Seguros on all the insurance contracts or convinced between the National State and the jurisdictions, and those in which other authorized entities have been intervened.

The request is to know the list of co-insurers or reinsured, insurance advisory products or brokers, and to the National Insurance Superintendency to send a copy of all the audit reports related to the provisions of Decree No. 823 / 2021.

In addition, also of the migratory movements of the former president and other defendantsamong them the broker Héctor Martínez Sosa.


The judge ordered the first measures in the case against former president Alberto Fernández for the insurance scandal

The writing describes, based on a journalistic investigation, the alleged “plot of opaque hiring with the safe categoryan activity that Alberto Fernández knows in depth because there he began his political activity.”

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“Within the ANSES, a business of 20,000 million pesos annually and 300 million in monthly commissions with insurance and commissions from intermediaries was discovered,” the complaint maintains.

Nación Seguros subcontracted other insurers and, as a bridge between the two state organizations, to a broker, with a commission three times higher than the market: 17%. About $300 million monthly,” he added.

The complaint indicates that the “intermediary” was Pablo Torres García, “a businessman and financial broker who would have charged a commission several times higher than the market. And another broker, Héctor Martínez Sosa, married to a secretary of Alberto Fernández, María Stonecutter”.

The defense of Alberto Fernández

After being charged, Alberto Fernández defended himself and in a radio interview he said that he wants “to be investigated” the case: “Because if they investigate they will realize the lie that Clarín published“. “The truth is that I really want to clarify this issue because I am not corrupt. I don’t like them doing these things. If any official did something, let them take charge,” said Fernández.

“I make a cult of honesty. I know that I am a public man, I am not corrupt, I have not stolen anything, This is not a negotiation and they are affecting many good people.“he added.

“They invent that I am benefiting Martinez Sosa. I did not keep an eraser from the State, I ask everyone to come in and look at my sworn statement, if anything changed and if anyone benefited,” the former president stressed.

Héctor Martínez Sosa, married to a secretary of Alberto Fernández, would be one of the brokers involved. “This is not an act of corruption, it is all false,” said the former president.

2024-03-02 05:15:28
#Insurance #scandal #judge #requested #immigration #records #Alberto #Fernández #secretary #broker #Martínez #Sosa

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