ARD talk show “Hart aber fair”, 9.35 p.m.: In the middle of a debate about state aid, the Federal Government’s Eastern Commissioner, State Minister Carsten Schneider (48, SPD), suddenly makes an unexpected confession: “I wanted to briefly talk about the financial situation say a few honest words. We just don’t have any money left!”
That was a revelation!
For the first time, a member of the federal government has now openly and bluntly admitted on a talk show: The federal government has empty coffers! Total low tide! Nothing left!
For the first broadcast of the year there was new furniture, more middle-class guests and only three politicians
Photo: Das Erste/ARD
The traffic light politician explained the reason to the surprised group as follows: “What the federal government has paid through the Corona aid packages, through the energy aid packages to subsidize the price of gas and electricity, 800 billion euros: It is now payback time!”
That’s why, Schneider continued, he can no longer announce any further help. Likewise, loans for “important investments in the future are no longer possible following the Constitutional Court’s ruling,” which prohibits further debt. Schneider: “That limits our scope.” We couldn’t have foreseen all of this…
also read
Most energetic criticism
Louis Klamroth asks middle-class guests in amazement: “Can you understand that?”
A clear no! “The money is going to waste, there has to be help and there has to be help!” complained master hairdresser Zuhra Visnjic (55) from Remscheid (NRW). “At home it’s like this: I take care of my children first. They get it first. If I have anything left, then maybe I can take care of your child too!”
Master hairdresser Zuhra Visnjic (55) from Remscheid (North Rhine-Westphalia) has no understanding of the government’s tight budget
Photo: Das Erste/ARD
“That’s the dangerous thing about politics,” warned Linnemann. “As a state, I first take the money away from the citizens, and then I say: I don’t have any money anymore, you can’t get it back!”
New concept
In his first talk show of the year, Klamroth wanted to score points with a makeover: more middle-class guests, new furniture, new hairstyle, cool young teacher look with sweat jacket.
And only three politicians at the discussion table: General Secretary Carsten Linnemann (46, CDU) and party founder Sahra Wagenknecht (54, BSW) discussed with Schneider. Topic: “Anger, protests, new parties: who still holds our country together?”
Sahra Wagenknecht (54,BSW) would like a government that would really represent the interests of the citizens
Photo: Das Erste/ARD
And another confession
Even after a clip about the farmers’ protests, Schneider held his tongue: “That was a mistake on the part of the farmers. The double burden of vehicle tax plus agricultural diesel was too much and it was not communicated. That was clearly a mistake!”
Wagenknecht heard her accusation that Germany had “the stupidest government in Europe”. Her punch-lined justification: “I want a government that, above all, really represents the interests of the people in our country.”
2024-01-30 00:51:56
#Tough #fair #Traffic #light #politician #simply #money #left