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Federal Eviction Moratorium Expires This Saturday: This You Should Know If You Live in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

hope: the moratorium onfederal eviction is forcome to an end tomorrow. thetenants of our area nohas to fear.who owes rent in newyork are still protected.what should they do to pay thedebt?romy: this Saturday themoratorium on evictions onfederal government, which does notcould be extended by thePresident Biden, Seún Orderedthe supreme court of justice, tounless congress decidesdo it.but the state of new yorkI was still protected until the 31stAugust under his ownmoratorium.though flatter talk toorganizers say this notwill be enough time forwaiting for help to pay yourdebt.>> it was good to see oneextension again, especiallybecause the handling has been badof the program.people are still in limbo.romy: the governor cuomostated that the resources of therental program seíathe state moratorium.know them how much hasdelivered to the owners ofbuildings.we contacted the office oftemporary assistance and fordisabled.They replied that until thedate they have delivered $ 2,700,000of the 2,700,000,000 it hasthe program, between fundsfederal and state.for tenants at risk ofbe evicted with thedistribution of the money continuesbeing slow, while growing herfear.>> in the bronx, where thenumber of tenants whohave eviction is the largest inNew York State, I have notI have a single tenant whosaid you have received the>> we need help,we need safe homes forour children.the community cannot live withafraid.romy: call me those who havedebts do not despair andclaim the help.>> I have 13,000-oddmoney that my building owes andyou can see it there.those 13,000-odd doral isI see them. although I kiss, I hopetoday I can’t sleep somenights, but I’m going todo my best because II stayed in my apartment. thatwith me stay in yourapartments.romy: 3,000,000 hundred 1000Americans couldoffer evictions between Augustonly in new york it is estimated thatto those of 500,000 residentsthey have income debt.tenants who completethe attendance form ofrent is protected fromevictions, only if yourowner refuses to receivethose funds or to provideinformation to complete theprocess.if you requested the assistance ofwhen the funds I extended.punishableif you owe rent and have not

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