The summit began with greetings from HSG Rector Bernhard Ehrenzeller, Stefan Kölliker, government adviser and head of the Department of Education and Federal Councilor Guy Parmelin. As a result, Federal Councilor Parmelin was questioned in an interview with former newspaper host Franz Fischlin – inter alia about the state of digitization in the Federal Palace, the shortage of skilled workers and the E-ID.
This was followed by a panel discussion asking what can be taken away from the second half of the IT education offensive and what can still be improved. Stefan Kölliker, Cornelia Diethelm, digital ethics expert, Dalith Steiger, artificial intelligence expert and Max Keller, HSG student and President of Start Global, exchanged ideas. Franz Fischlin took over the moderation.
Finally, the evening ended comfortably with an aperitif.