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Federal Councilor Cassis at the FDP delegate assembly: The Federal Council is also tired of corona »| Switzerland

SWITZERLAND [NEWS SERVICE] ⋅ At the FDP delegate assembly, Ignazio Cassis called on the population to persevere. The slogan version of the FDP delegates on the drinking water and pesticide initiative had to be postponed.

(gb) At a speech during the delegates’ assembly of the FDP on Saturday, Federal Councilor Iganzio Cassis called for perseverance in the corona pandemic: “The Federal Council is also tired of corona,” said the Foreign Minister. But it is now important to hold out together. According to Cassis, premature opening could lead directly to the next lockdown. Party President Petra Gössi asked the entire Federal Council to present a plan to exit the lockdown.

At the meeting, which was held by video conference, the delegates should also have written the slogans for the pesticide and drinking water initiative. There was a lively debate with a pro and counter position as well as several requests to speak from delegates. However, some delegates were annoyed that they should have voted on both initiatives at the same time. The vote was split up without further ado. For technical reasons, the result will not be known until Sunday evening. The party executive said no to both of the proposals on Friday.

Delegates did not want to vote on terror law

Already in the run-up to the delegates’ meeting, mainly young free-spirited delegates criticized that there was no vote on the terror law. A motion by Lucerne’s young freelancer, Nicolas Rimoldi, to allow a debate and a vote, failed extremely narrowly.

The only decision by the delegates on a proposal for a vote concerned the Covid-19 law. This was clearly adopted with 146 votes in favor, 31 against and 7 abstentions. The Swiss electorate will be able to express their opinion on the Covid-19 Act and the Terror Act in June.

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