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Federal 3: OC Montluçon (Allier) to the power of four this Sunday in Châteauroux?

Climb the steps four by four … If this is the ambition of theOvalie Club Montlucon (Allier), we will not have to take our feet in the fourth … Indeed, after three victories in the first three days of Federal 3, the CMO (2nd, 13 pts) will have a difficult trip to manage in the Indre this Sunday, October 24, 2021 (3 p.m.), on the ground of RAC Châteauroux (6th, 5 pts). All at the end of a week without a match, the first of the season.

The context

“We cut a little last week in training and it felt good in the minds”, recounts the coach Dominique Héritier. “We’ve been there since July, so it was important to breathe and treat sores “. A rest that is all the more pleasant when you are undefeated …

“To work, it’s great to be in a positive phase, everyone is involved. “

Dominique Heir (OC Montluçon coach)

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And this is the main asset of the Bourbonnais club at the start of the year: the bench depth. Which allowed, each time, to make the difference in the second period. Whether against Cusset (45-14), Guéret (6-20), then against Auxerre (38-23).

“We can do rotations without weakening the fifteen. Our workforce allows us toapproach calmly this new block of three games ”. So starting in Châteauroux, before La Châtre (10th) and Saint-Léger-des-Vignes (3rd).

Review of the victory of OC Montluçon against Auxerre on October 11

The opponent: the RAC castelroussin

“Watch out for Châteauroux because it’s a bit of the unknown,” Judge Dominique Héritier. “There have been a lot of changes and movements lately, so we don’t really know if the animal is really hurt or just revenge “. So when in doubt, the Montluçonnais will concentrate on themselves, “always offering play but trying to vary and be less readable”.

What is readable, however, is the stated objective: ” Bring something back, at least one point and four if possible ”. It will be without Saugues (personal), Vaukaire (sick) and Châtaignier (retained by Nevers), or even Blond (uncertain, thigh). But with the return of Ginestet.

The OC Montluçon group.
– Forwards: Augaudy, Q. Depoux, Blond (?), Faivre, Fernandes, Graehling, Chiteishvili, Descloux, Ginestet, Gabana, Branescu, Marchand.
– Rear: Forichon, Torret, M. Arbona, Dumas, Artaud, Tixier, Dubourgnoux, Xavier, Capdeville, A. Depoux.

Four in a row for FC Moulins this Sunday, October 24 in Auxerre?

Text: Luc Barre
Photos: Florian Salesse archives

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